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Crypto Trends

(RNDR) price at $ 3.60: Will the bears reach $ 1?

with Bitcoin trading is less than $ 90,000 For the first time since then November 2024the Altcoins in the direction of a decrease. with Altcoins multiple struggle To hold Critical support levelsfor The show is at risk of a possible collapse.

This will The collapse leads to great crash In presenting about $ 1 Psychological sign? Let’s discover.

Price Analysis Show: Blinding outlook?

in The weekly graphthe Offer the price direction Reveal Tremendous After reaching High swing of $ 11.75. However, the The trend failed to climb to keep the momentumWhich led to a A quick reflection of the offer price in early December.

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since Al -Sadhithe Offer the price direction Decline Almost 65 % in market evaluation. currently , Altcoin is trading a market value of $ 3.72with 10.71 % this week.

This represents it The second declining week in a rowAccounting a 14 % decreaseAnd 17 % decrease every two weeks. since Decemberfor The show failed to mark more than three emerging weeksPreserving a Clear downward trend.

with Low directionthe The weekly RSI line now Close to reaching the level of excessive borders. Moreover, and EMA lines 50 and 100 weeks Warning Possible crossover.

Thus, and Technical indicators warn of possible crash in Offer the price direction. Moreover, and View the distinctive code price Close Support level $ 3.60.

In the case of a The declining continuation at the bottom of this decisive supportthe The fall of the show will gain great momentum. Based on The weekly graphthe The fall of the offer is likely to test the support levels at $ 2.73 or $ 1.19.

Analyst predict: Will a break lead to less than $ 3.30?

According to Ali Martinez, Encryptionthe Altcoin has been set to reduce a massive. He has recently tweetthe The analyst provides decisive support for the offer at $ 3.30.

in case Altcoin collapses below this support levelIt is possible that it takes The drop towards psychological support is $ 1. However, the Low price rejection in the past few weekly candles Near Support level $ 3.60 Hints in Possible apostasy.

In the case of a Reflection ascendingthe EMA line for 100 days at $ 5.81 he Constant key resistance. This represents The upscale capabilities are 40 % To submit if that Maintains dominance over $ 3.60.

On the other side, The risk of the downside extends from 27 % to approximately 70 %.

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