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SEC Compatibility

  • SEC, now under new leadership, agreed to BitWise XRP ETF.
  • This approval reflects a shift in the agency’s approach to the regulation of encryption.
  • The decision is expected to positively affect the feeling of XRP in the market.

US Securities and Stock Exchange Committee (SEC) receive New XRP ETF file from BitWise. The deposit is among the many who have seen people who pay ETF proposals. BitWise XRP ETF is among a series of deposits.

The move comes at a time when the SEC Gareler Board of Directors will leave the agency. Changing the leadership led to greater attention in the calls for ETF encryption recommendations. Trade participants now hope that a new leadership team will enter a new perspective in the encryption organization.

ETF BitWise XRP file between many proposals

The BitWise file on behalf of BitWise was presented by CBOE BZX Exchange. It is for the ETF XRP bitwise shares and trade. SEC took the first step by requesting general comments on the suggestion. Comments should be presented within 21 days of the date of publication of the deposit in the federal registry. SEC will then make a decision to agree to, reject or put the procedures after this period.

This deposit is part of a two -stage process. SEC now recognizes 19B-4 file. After publishing in the federal registry, the official approval process will begin.

Earlier, SEC confirmed 21shares’ and Grayscale Sot XRP ETF files. Canary Capital and Wisdomtree files are still waiting for decisions. The encryption community monitors developments with great interest.

Industry experts believe that the list of investment funds circulating in encryption can be pushed by a force XRP. XRP is the third largest Cryptocurrency Cap on the market and is currently trading about $ 2.52. The approval of the investment funds traded in January 2024 brought in the instant bitcoin funds and the approval of the ETHEREUM ETFS optimism in the market. Bloomberg ETF analyzers put the possibility of XRP ETF approvals by 65 %. It is optimistic, especially with the new leadership that will operate SEC soon.

There is a new encoding squad headed by SEC Hester People Commissioner, which will try to increase the identification of encryption assets are securities. It is only part of the comprehensive SEC voltage to update its organization.

Accept the BitWise XRP ETF file is a milestone in a crowded period to see Crypto ETF files. With the surface driving transitions and multiple files in the folding of forgetfulness, the following months will determine the future of digital asset trading.

The encryption news was highlighted today

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