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Reddit ads revenue grows faster among social media platforms

  • Reddit advertising revenue grows faster than any other social media platform, according to Emarketer.
  • A new report says that the Reddit user base is expanding because of its unique “social” feeling.
  • However, advertisers face challenges on Reddit because of the unique communities of the site.

A new report shows that Reddit advertising revenue grows faster than any other social media platform. However, advertising on the application is not as easy as it seems.

The report issued by Emarkter says that the revenue of the Reddit Declaration on an annual basis will increase by more than 30 % this year, according to its estimates. Emarketer is the Business Insider Pateer, Axel Springer.

The highest growth in advertising revenues between the social media platforms after Reddit from Tiktok was 25 % and Instagram with 15 % growth on an annual basis, according to the report.

Reddit is one of the few remaining online places that allow people to hold joint conversations with each other. Hoffman said at the Wall Street Journal in October that Reddit posts are valuable for search engines and AI because it contains a wealth of “colloquial words about every topic to a large extent” that is constantly updated.

Analysts from Emarketer said in the report that the Reddit user base is partially because it is one of the few social media platforms that are still “social”.

“This is a big reason because it is one of the only social platforms that see the time spent in 2025, according to our expectations,” the report says.

However, while Reddit’s social feeling attracts the spaces of new users, it may make it difficult for advertisers to befriend the site. The report notes that Reddit users “do not usually want brands in their conversations, especially those that are not the forefront of their identity.”

Some advertisers have found ways to integrate into Reddit communities, including by creating employee accounts. The report says that the user Kiethfromsonos, an employee Sonos request to join the Reddit R/Sonos community, gradually obtained a place in society.

The report says Reddit also gives tools to advertisers to facilitate an organic presence on the website. In March of last year, the company has established Reddit Pro, a platform that gives advertisers analyzes, visions, and publishing tools, and earlier this year Reddit announced a new coordination that allows advertisers to promote the upcoming Amas.

When it was reached to comment on Friday, a spokesman for Reddit Business Insider directed the company’s fourth profit report. Radit Kulo Jin Wong said in a profit call on February 12 that the company witnessed “widespread growth” through vertical ads, as it grows 10 out of 15 years by more than 50 % on an annual basis. Wong said that the areas that witnessed most of the growth are financing, retail, cars, medicines, games, and technology.

“We are still focusing on: one, performing our advertising solutions over goals; two, improving use of advertisers and our productivity of our sales power; and three, they offer advertisers Reddit-R“ and advertising formats, ”said Wong. On the call.

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