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Raul Pal shares his opinions about the coding drop

Rayol Pal, CEO of Real Vision Raoul Pal, a researcher in the Cryptocurrency Cryptocurrency Market, is participating in some recommendations for encryption collapse. Pal says this course may show brutality to Bitcoin Bulls (BTC).

Bitcoin (BTC) at $ 70,000? Raul will not be surprised

Current currency traders should be prepared for a frequent 35 % decrease on the road to the highest new level ever. Such a warning was shared by the famous macro merchant, Raul Pal, with his 1.1 million followers in x today, February 3, 2025.

However, given the fact that Bitcoin (BTC) reached its climax at $ 109,500 in January, the community should be ready for the collapse of the BTC price to $ 70,000, according to Raoul Pal.

It was also recommended that the merchants not fall into the “fear of loss” (FOMO) and avoid experiments while taking advantage of the exchanges of contracts. The wallet must be varied between 3-5 origins as a maximum to allow the owner to stay focusing on all opportunities and risks.

The governor of self -friction and even storage solutions must be multi -signed with “good hygiene” is the maximum priority for traders in the volatile markets.

Only 10 % of the wallet must be customized for the “Degen Bag” for highly dangerous strategies.

35-45 % health declines for bull run, the date says

All in all, merchants should focus better on keeping their wealth during such periods. Zooming and “reducing noise” may be a smart bet. At the same time, you should also consider exploring “DIP” options.

Also covered by, accompanied 35-45 %, each bull operation for bitcoin (BTC) and Crypto Altcoins. According to analysts, BTC passes up to seven drops like this in each session.


Bitcoin (BTC), the largest encrypted currency, decreased to 92,500 dollars today, while the maximum of the combined Crypto market lost more than 7 %.

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