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Crypto Trends

President Trump signs the executive of a bachelor’s baccalaureate

President Donald Trump has finally signed an executive order (EO) to create Bitcoin strategic reserves. David Sachs, the director of AI and Cryptocurrency in the White House, participated in the X, confirming the executive procedure.

Trump’s bitcoin strategic reserves for us

The reserve will be funded using the seized bitcoin by confiscating criminal or civil assets, which means that taxpayer money will not be involved. It is estimated that the United States government currently possesses about 200,000 Bitcoin, although the comprehensive audit of these holdings has not yet been done.

The executive command has led complete accountability for all the digital assets kept by the federal government. However, Bitcoin will not be sold in the new reserve. It will be kept as a valuable store, which leads to comparisons with Fort Knox’s golden reserves. This “digital gold” strategy in the direction of protecting and developing the value of the government’s bitcoin holdings.

David Sachs revealed that the premature bitcoin sales have led to great losses, as it lost the potential value of more than $ 17 billion. With this new strategy, the federal government aims to increase the value of cryptocurrency to the maximum.

EO also gives treasury and trade secretaries the authority to explore neutral budget methods to gain more bitcoin, without any additional cost of American taxpayers.

In addition, the executive order is established by US digital assets, which will consist of digital assets (except for bitcoin) that have been lost through legal procedures. It is worth noting that the stock will be managed under the supervision of the Ministry of Treasury, and no assets that exceed those who were seized through confiscation procedures will be obtained.

This procedure fulfills a promise made by President Trump to create a strategic reserve for bitcoin and the inventory of digital assets, which enhances his commitment to establishing the United States as “the world of encryption in the world.”

In his position, David Sachs expressed his gratitude for the leadership and vision that President Trump has shown, focusing on the rapid measures of the administration in supporting the digital asset industry. Treasury Secretary Scott Bessin, Minister of Commerce Howard Lootnick, and Bo Hainz, Executive Director of the Labor Group in Digital Asset Markets, also thanked their decisive roles in advancing this initiative.

The move comes even when other countries, such as Australia and Russia, gave up plans to introduce encryption reserves in the near future.

Also read: New York’s Senate members propose a bitcoin reserves bill

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