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PI Network: The distinctive PI code is disrupted by 65 % after launch on Mainnet

the Distinctive symbol of the PI network ((BayIt saw a radical decrease by 65 % immediately after launch on Mainnet. This event raised doubts about the stability of the project and the expectations of society. Let’s analyze the causes of this sudden decline and the effects of investors and network users.

The PI network has been promoted as an innovative project that allows users I have a pi symbol Directly from their portable devices. After years of development and a long test stage, the team recently announced the launch Open MainnetAllow users to transfer and exchange their symbols.

However, instead of the increase in value, the PI price saw immediately. This surprised many investors who expected sustainable growth with the opening of the network.

The collapse of the distinctive code price PI: What happened?

After the launch of Mainnet, value From the distinctive PI code decreased by 65 % in a few hours. This sudden decrease can be attributed to several factors:

Collective sales by usersMany PI holders have benefited from opening the network to liquidate their assets, causing the supply to be increased.

Low primary liquidity: Explain the market to accommodate the large volume of sales, which contributes to rapid decrease in prices.

Unpaid expectations: Some investors may hope to adopt more distinguished, but the reality of the market did not reflect these predictions.

Impact on society and the confidence in the project

The low value of the PI code was born Anxiety between users and investors. Many symbols have accumulated during the test phase, hoping to obtain a great economic return. However, the price collapse has reduced these expectations.

Moreover, the lack of a clear strategy to adopt and use PI can contribute to further loss of confidence in the project. Without a concrete demand for the distinctive symbol, the risks of the market value with volatile risk.

Future prospects for PI code

After this sharp decline, the PI network will have to face many challenges to restore user confidence and attract new investors. Some main elements that can affect the future of the PI icon include:

Real dependence on the distinctive symbolThe value of the PI depends on its usefulness within the ecosystem. If the network is able to create an effective and acceptable payment system, the price may stabilize.

Organization and securityThe project must guarantee transparency and compliance with regulations to avoid more confidence problems.

Market strategiesThe development team may offer new features or partnerships to increase the demand for the distinctive symbol.



the 65 % disrupted PI code After the launch of Mainnet, the most prominent difficulties faced by a project still, despite a vast society, still needs to prove its true value. Investors and users will need to monitor the development of the PI network closely to understand whether the PI icon will be able to find stability in the long term.

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