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Paul design: soft robot with air accuracy


(1) Jorge Francisco Garcia-Samartin, Centro de automatic Yar Robotica (UPM-CSIC), University of Politecnica de Madrid-Consejo Superior DE Investigaciones Cientıficas, Jose Josier Abiasal 2, 28006 Madrid, Spain (Spain)[email protected]);

(2) Adrian Rieker, Centro De Automatica y Robotica (Upm-CSIC), Universidad Politecnica de Madrid-Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientıficas, Jose Gutierrez Abascal 2, 28006 , Spain;

(3) Antonio Barrientos, Centro De Automatica Y Robotica (Upm-CSIC), Universidad Politecnica de Madrid-Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientıficas, Jose Guterres Abiasal 2, 28006 Madrid, Spain.

Abstract and 1 introduction

2 relevant business

2.1 Air operation

2.2 Aerobic weapons

2.3 Control of soft robots

3 Paul: Design and Manufacturing

3.1 Robot design

3.2 Choose materials

3.3 Manufacturing

3.4 operating bank

4 Gain data and control the open episode

4.1 Device Preparing

4.2 vision capture system

4.3 Data set generation: table -based models

4.4 Open ring control

5 results

5.1 final version of Paul

5.2 Analysis of the work area

5.3 Perform the models based on the table

5.4 Bending experiments

5.5 Weight experiences

6 conclusions

Finance information

A. Experiments and references

3 Paul: Design and Manufacturing

3.1 Robot design

Before the start of subsequent design and manufacturing, some dimensional and engineering specifications are set by the required job. These requirements can be summarized at the following points:

• The resulting robot must consist of three sectors that operate independently, each with three degrees of freedom.

• The operation of the parts that make up the robot should be an aerobic.

• The parts of the flexible silicone should be made.

• These parts should allow easy assembly and dismantling in addition to standard design.

• The air pipes should be fully included in the robot body to avoid breakage and allow more complex movements.

It was decided that each cylindrical piece, diameter 100 mm and a diameter of 45 mm, with three ghostly gifts distributed evenly along the cylinder. In order to fix the height of the cylinder, the robots in literature were used as a reference [12, 50]In order to achieve similar work spaces. On the other hand, the diameter was supposed to be as small as possible – to make the robot as light as possible – but at the same time to allow all tubes to pass through the inner part. In addition, it should have a sufficient wall thickness between the bladder and the outside to prevent rupture during inflation and contraction. The final size was determined after many design repetitions and three manufacturing tests.

Blames, which were photographed in Figure 2, have a pneunet structure. As was the case when designing the rest of the part, some CAD repetitions were implemented before the final engineering repair. In particular, we chose to use round edges as much as possible to reduce pressure, and thus the possibility of holes, during many inflation and deviations. In addition, different values ​​of the number of protrusions were seen in each bladder, and finally using nine, as a higher number was seen that made the sector deformation more curved when it is amplified, which could facilitate its modeling using PCC.

Figure 2. Bladder nuclei. (A) CAD Model. (B) Dimensions. All dimensions in mm. Source: Authors.Figure 2. Bladder nuclei. (A) CAD Model. (B) Dimensions. All dimensions in mm. Source: Authors.

Due to the presence of three blades in the clip, each slice must have three degrees of freedom, however, it has been resolved for only one or two amplification at one time to reduce the repetition of the system, making control easier.

Figure 3 shows the final design of the Paul sectors in Fig. Bladder.

It is decided that the connection between the parts is made using 3D printed devices, as in Figure 4, every 200 mm. Although PLA is not completely soft, some soft robots include parts of a degree of hardness within its general soft structure [50, 55, 65]. This choice enhances the Paul model

Figure 3. The final design of the Paul sectors. All dimensions in mm. Source: Authors.Figure 3. The final design of the Paul sectors. All dimensions in mm. Source: Authors.

Where communications can be created easily. It is sufficient to attach a new slice and include pipes – and cables, when sensors are implemented – through the central opening of the previous article, eliminating the need for adhesives or drop -off materials.

Figure 4. 3D printed connection between the sectors. Source: Authors.Figure 4. 3D printed connection between the sectors. Source: Authors.

In order to achieve the optimal adhesion of the sectors to the printed parts, the greater diameter section was finally merged, which increased the surface of the adhesion. Likewise, in order to achieve a better seal, the air pipes are not inserted directly to the bladder, but in some previous expectations that the plastic lips will be installed to enhance this union and prevent transverse leaks.

3.2 Choose materials

Due to the robot air operation, it was necessary to find a substance that combines flexibility to distort with air and the ability to keep a reliable seal to prevent air leakage. Therefore, the silicone was chosen for the sectors, and 3D printed conductors were used to connect them, as shown in the previous section.

Silicon slices are manufactured through a casting process, where 3D molds are printed on a genius artillery printer. The printer is formed using detailed parameters in Table 1. The same table provides manufacturing parameters for connectors.

Table 1. 3D printer parametersTable 1. 3D printer parameters

Three different silicons have been tested throughout the manufacturing process: Platsil FS10, Easyplat 0030 and Tinsil 8015, whose properties can be compared to Table 2. First Silicon, Platsil FS10, is caused by low treatment time in bubbles appearing in the final part . This was a stress of stress, causing air damage and leakage after a few working sessions. The second silicone, Easyplat 0030 has been eliminated, as it requires low hardness of the very dense walls if it is possible to avoid leakage, which inevitably requires high weight.

Tinsil 8015 was chosen, a silicone covered with tin, as it produced slices of perfect balance between durability and weight. However, it has two defects. First, it is very toxic, which requires the use of special preventive measures when working with it, and makes it impossible for the parts to treat them in the human movement area. On the other hand, it shows cramps during 1 % treatment due to alcohol production, which requires a full filling of the unit to face this effect.

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