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A brief review of the lying group and SPD

Abstract and 1 introduction

2 introductory

3. Reconsidering normalization

3.1 Reconsidering the normalization

3.2 Reconsidering the current RBN

4 Rimani’s normalization of lying groups

5 Liebn on lying groups of SPD and 5.1 distorted lying groups from SPD

5.2 Liebn on SPD

6 experiments

6.1 Experimental results

7 conclusions, recognition, and references

The contents of the appendix


B Kyes Basic in SPDNET and TSMNET

C statistical results for expanding in Liben

D Liebn as a natural generalization component for Euclidean Bn

The field momentum for the field to classify EEG

And BackProPagation is a matrix function

G details and experiences Liebn on the SPD terrifying

H preliminary experiences on spin matrix

I am evidence of Limas and theories in the main paper

2 introductory

This section provides a brief review of the SPD lying and SPD engineering. For more in -depth discussions, please refer to Tu (2011); Do Carmo & Flanty Francis (1992).

The lying group is a group and also a transformer. The most natural scale on Rimmanian on a lie group is the left -changing scale[1]. Likewise, one can determine the variable right scale like Def. 2.2. It is the albian variable Riemannian scale that has both left and right stability. Looking at the similar properties of left and right standards, this paper focuses on the variable left standards.

The idea of ​​retreating everywhere in differential engineering and can be considered a natural counterpart to vital objection in the group theory.

Table 1: Riemannian operators associated with SPD.Table 1: Riemannian operators associated with SPD.

[1] The fixed scale is always left for every lie group (Is Carmo and Flashiri Francis, 1992).


(1) Zeng Chen, University of Tinto;

(2) Yue Song, University of Tinto and author opposite;

(3) Yanmi Leo, University of Louisville;

(4) Niko Cuby, University of Trento.

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