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News and analysis on encrypted currencies, Blockchain and decentralized financing

Kraken’s encrypted currency exchange is now ready to put an end to all that compatible stablecoins compatible with MICA, such as Tether (USDT).

As of March 31, the platform will remove all currencies that are not compatible with European regulations, where customers in EA can use alternative Stablecoins. What do you do if you hold Usdt on Kraken?

Let’s see everything in detail below.

Kraken is preparing to launch Tether (USDT), Tether Ert (Ert), Paypal usd (Pyusd), and Trueusd (tusd)


In light of the full implementation of the European organization “Markets in the assets of encryption(Mika), Kraken’s encrypted currency exchanges decided to delete Tether (USDT) and incompatible stablecoins. Kraken has already expected the need to comply with European regulations, and its users warned against the possible removal of currencies that are not compatible with their services.

In particular, in addition to Tether (USDT) that carries a dominant position in the Stablecoin sector, Paypal usd (pyusd), Terrausd Classic (UST), Tether Eurt (Ert), and Trueusd (tusd) It will also be removed. All encoding activities will be closed to users in the European Economic Zone (EA) that are permanently included in these categories in the coming weeks, after a specific timetable.

We remind you that Kraken provides virtual asset service services (VASP) in Germany, Spain, Italy, the Netherlands, Belgium, Ireland, France and Poland. Although the MICA organization, which is likely to arouse the eyebrows among the “unreliable” supporters, it is important to emphasize that Kraken, as a registered and authorized operator in these countries, is practically obligated to comply with the new European regulations. This is necessary to continue providing its legal and organizing services in the European Union.


In any case, it is also appropriate to clarify this Mica aims to create a safer and more organized environment For users and investors in the cryptocurrency market. Although some changes may seem restricted, the introduction of such regulations aims to protect investors, ensure greater transparency and prevent potential systemic risks related to cryptocurrencies and nails.

The timeline of the deletion paint: stop all activities by March 31

Kraken stated that it will officially stop supporting all Stablecoin inconsistent with MICA on March 31, 2025. If you carry USDT or other currencies that are not compatible with Kraken, You can pull it in the previous days By sending it by transferring Blockchain to the exchanges or other portfolios you support. Instead, You can choose not to do anythingAnd wait for these assets to be automatically converted into a substitute stablecoin, compatible with the new list.

As of February 27, 2025, EEA customers will not be able to marine USDT and other metal currencies mentioned above through immediate trading. Specifically, from that day, “Only selling“The option will remain open, and it will not be possible to create new deposit addresses.

On March 17, 2025, the role of margin trading will be, with distinctive margin positions that will be closed automatically.

On March 24, Kraken will permanently hang the immediate trading of USDT and other assets concerned (IncludingOnly sellingOption. Open orders will be closed, and these assets will not be traded with other encrypted currencies or Fiat currencies. Thus, these assets can only be withdrawn as a guarantee of any reformer position.

Finally, as we mentioned initially, from March 31, all the remaining uniforms that EEA customers will keep to a rewarding currency. This also includes guarantees in the summons situations and rewards. Although it is not known after any stablecoin will be used specifically for automatic transfers, this is supposed to be USDC.

The negative impact of organizing mica on the Stablecoin market in Europe

Keken’s decision to comply with the changes imposed by MICA is a necessary step to continue working legally and regularly in the European Union. but, This decision also includes some defectsEspecially with regard to the exclusion of Stablecoins such as Tether (USDT), which is the undisputed leader in the encryption sector.

This exclusion can have a negative impact on the liquidity of the encrypted currency market in Europe, such as Usdt is widely used as a base for trading. European users may find themselves forced to use alternative Stablecoins that may not have the same liquidity or stability.

More specifically, MICA aims to enhance the role of euro -based Stablecoins, which encourages exchanges like Kraken to provide similar products to its customers. Despite the respectable goal, we must necessarily remember that the Euro Stablecoin market is absolutely unlike its counterpart in dollars. Consider this according to data from the mass, The USD-PEGCED stables are about 99.3 % of the entire market share of this status for ETHEREUM BLOCKCHAIN.

Thanks to the exclusion of USDT and other coins that are considered incompatible, Europe risks losing its role as a financial center for the encrypted currency. Meanwhile, other judicial states are paid for more flexible regulations, able to attract new users and great minds. Chapo to Christine Lagarde and Orrsola von der Lin to create a list on Stablecoins, even with the best intentions, it seems more oriental towards reducing European innovation from protecting it.

source: PEGGED/Share-of-fiat-backed-stablecoin-supply-in- weby-currency

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