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News and analysis on encrypted currencies, Blockchain and decentralized financing

Obit, supported by pregnancyI announced an important update that allows users Connect the external portfolios like metamask, confidence portfolio, and vanum Directly to the application.

This integration simplifies encryption payments, eliminating the need for manual transfers and reducing the risk of errors.

News of the encryption payments thanks to Oobit: How does the Metamask wallet merge?

With this new feature, Users can Make immediate payments Using money in Governor of decentralization. To date, to pay with Ooobit, it was necessary Manually transported currencies To the application before you can use it.

Now, thanks to direct contact with Metamask, Trust Wallet and Phantom, payments occur RealisticWithout additional steps.

This innovation is not only Improves the user experienceBut Ooobit also makes the most easy for those who already use Defi to manage their digital assets.

Integration with external portfolios provides several benefits:

  • Immediate paymentsTransactions occur without the need to manually transfer money.
  • Reducing errors: By eliminating manual transfers, the risk of sending cryptocurrencies is reduced to incorrect addresses.
  • Facilitate accessUsers can manage their assets directly from their favorite wallets, without the need to resort to mediators.

This solution is especially useful for those who make frequent payments in encrypted currencies, which is used More flexible and immediate.

Expand the ecological system OOBIT

With this innovation, OOBIT enhances its position in the digital payment sector, which expands Integration with decentralized networks.

Metamask, Trust Wallet and Phantom Wallets support for a broader user base to access application services without the need to rely on guard solutions.

The goal of OOBIT is Create an open infrastructureCapacity to communicate with the main Defi solutions and introduce a Simple and safe Payment experience.

The external support adding addition shows how the payment sector in Criptovalute More central and interim operational Models.

Users no longer need to transfer their money from multiple platforms, but they can pay directly from their wallets, and keep Total control On their digital origins.

This integration represents a tangible step towards the broader adoption of encrypted currencies in daily payments, which reduces the technical barriers that limit the use of these tools.

The latest update, with the support of Tether, provides a solution that simplifies the use of encrypted currencies for payments.

By connecting Metamask, Trust Wallet and Phantom directly, users can smoothly perform transactions, enhance the efficiency and security of the payment experience.

This development reflects the increasing demand for more easy and integrated tools in the scene of cryptocurrencies for weight and bear.

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