My children have learned how to take care of themselves, so I have freedom
- It was really difficult to teach my young children to do household chores such as cooking or cleaning.
- But I am happy that they learned young people because they are now in adolescence, they can take care of themselves.
- Now, I also have more freedom, and they also do it.
My husband and I went out for dinner at the end of last week, and while I was preparing, I realized that I had not done any plans to take teenagers. While we were heading out of the door, I shouted, “We are leaving! You find something in the refrigerator for dinner!”
And they did.
It is a big leap when I had four young children running all over the house, and I felt that I hadn’t sat once during the day. There was continuous washing to be washed and cooked, meals to run, and clean chaos. It was my husband who did all these things all the time for six people.
Likewise, last month, the family went on a ski trip together in Colorado. Everyone is tired of hearing me saying, “This is very easy now!” But it was. In the past years, my husband and I had to fill food, regular clothes, winter clothes and other equipment for all of us to go to the mountains. We were tired before we got to the road.
This year, the family told that we were leaving at 2 pm, and only everyone was … ready, temples, and in the car. No one forgot until a jacket.
It took years to teach them everything, but now adolescents can take care of themselves.
It may be difficult to teach young children how to cook and clean
Of course, we never woke up with children who know how to do all these things. Years have passed, starting with small tasks and expecting them to do more over time.
This teaching does not always come easily or naturally. It is difficult to save time to teach children to do things. Cooking takes longer. The bathroom is not cleaned at first. The clothes are not very folded.
I think many children who grow up do not know how to cook or wash are not encrypted by parents who insist on doing everything for their precious children. We are all very busy. When you get home from work, sports and post -school care at 6 pm, everyone wants to have dinner. You cannot spend an additional half an hour in teaching children Hangry how to cut the option. If the bathroom has reached toxic levels, it is faster to clean it myself, and I know that it will be done in the way I want.
I did not have to have to show young children how to do everything, especially when I learned that I would be faster. Of course, sometimes children do not want to do these things.
But learning these skills gave my children confidence – and gave me confidence that they would be able to take care of themselves in the future.
All the tasks I taught were something that children had to exercise and improve it. Every time they fill their bags for a trip, they improved this.
All this effort pays its fruits, and I now have less to do it
During the winter vacation a few years ago, middle schools told that he had to have dinner. I took it to the grocery store and let it lose its components while sitting in the cafe and reading a book. When we got home, served a delicious dinner. I think I cried.
My other son made some of our great breakfast meals during camping – more detailed than I would have cook. I no longer check the packages of anyone for trips anymore. On Thanksgiving, every person in the family makes a dish, so no one has to do all the cooking. When I went to the college, he taught a few friends how to wash them at the beginning of the school year.
Teaching children to do things for themselves not only gave my husband and husband more freedom, but also gave them the freedom of children.
If they want a clean, clean shirt, they will not have to wait for me. If they don’t like what is for dinner, they can make them.
I will not pretend that we are all quarreling on household chores. Just because my family can do these tasks, it does not mean that everyone in this house does them when I want. But I am very confident that while going out to the world in the next few years, they will be able to defend themselves.
I just hope they will return to the visit and sometimes cook for me.