Monero Gui “Fluorine Fermi” Sadr ⋅ Crypto World Echo

This is the V0.18.3.3 version of Monero Gui. This version delivers the password protected.
The latest CLI notes can be found in the previous blog post
Some outstanding points in this version are:
Full menu for changes Available on Jabbapalong with Source code.
This version was the direct result of 3 people who worked, not largely driven and bid, to put out 4 connections containing 6 new lines of software instructions. We would like to thank them a lot for their time and effort. In any specific arrangement they are:
The new diodes can be downloaded from the download page or from direct links below.
A complete guide to the graphic user interface portfolio is included in the archives, however Online version available.
If you want to check that you have downloaded the correct file, please use the following Sha256 fragmentation:, 8333757a142112bef13f50576cf7b62db8ab7c11617ea742567e9bafb28b51fb
monero-gui-install-win-x64-v0.18.3.3.exe, c78a41dfcbb3544fafb173ddea5f945166cd58a203eda5ae6db173e39fc2959b
monero-gui-mac-x64-v0.18.3.3.dmg, a7777e1ca4a8ba3621cb6f79bafd160c93914f7250b739e33c846e1f9b8634c4
monero-gui-mac-armv8-v0.18.3.3.dmg, cd745209d328dddc9a4deb3073aad40144f9d544970bdada1789cc5b5cbef0e5
monero-gui-linux-x64-v0.18.3.3.tar.bz2, 893c3986583814b048f1109ba1047c8fe2bbe5ecd7687fe767c1b70ec2571e52
There is a signed GPG list of retail at and must be treated as close, with a signing check -up for the appropriate GPG key in the source code (at/UTILS/GPG_Keys). To ensure that the files you download are those that are originally published by supervisors, you must check that the fragmentation of your files match those in the signed menu, and that the signature in the list is valid.
Two guides are available during the verification process: Verify diodes on Windows (beginners) and check diodes on Linux, Mac or Windows orders.