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Michael Celor raises Bitcoin to the American Financial Services Committee: Details

Michael Sailor, a co -founder of the strategy, has calculated his account on the X platform to unveil his recent visit to the Financial Services Committee, where he talked about digital assets.

Silor said they discussed how the United States could become the global leader in Bitcoin and encryption in general. During this meeting, according to Saylor, members of the Financial Services Committee presented the framework of the digital assets that mention Bitcoin (digital commodity).

The CEO of the Strategy shared a link to this document in a tweet.


Silor strategic comments on 7.11 % BTC Crash:

Digital assets frame in Silor and Bitcoin

The document, which went to the meeting, is called “Digital Assets Framework, Principles, and opportunity for the United States.” It suggests clear definitions of different types of digital assets, and how to create a legitimacy for them. He also talks about energy compliance measures based on these products and how to transform the United States into a “global digital leader”.

The frame document determines several types of digital assets. Among them, there are digital commodities, a digital safety that contains a source and is safely supported; Then there is a digital currency supported by FIAT (mainly, digital code), digital code (provides interest), digital NFT, digital ABT (one of the digital assets supported by material origin, for example, gold, oil, etc.).

The document provides various ways to legitimize these digital assets and use them in the digital economy to enhance the real economy of the United States.

The construction of the Bitcoin Strategic Reserve is mentioned, and he promised to create “16-81 trillion dollars of wealth for the US Treasury, providing a way to compensate for national debts.”


Silor raises bitcoin to Bezos

Silor Shels Bitcoin to Jeff Bezos

Earlier this week, Michael Celor gave a bitcoin solution to the business world legend and the founder of Amazon Jeff Besoz. The latter published a tweet in which he promised to defend “personal freedoms and free markets.”

This was a change in the Washington Post policy and its opinion pages in particular. Bezos praised America, saying that this is not a typical country. He stressed the importance of the personal freedom of the United States by saying: “Freedom is ethical – it reduces coercion – and my work – it drives creativity, invention and prosperity.”

Silor answered that Bitcoin is “the best way to enhance personal freedoms and free markets.”

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