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Messi asks to drop the sexual lawsuit Didi

  • Messi wants the judge to remove him from the sexual assault lawsuit against Sean Didi.
  • The lawsuit says Messi violated a gender violence law by ignoring an attack at the Herald Square store.
  • The prosecutor himself describes Didi as a “sexual predator equal opportunities.”

Messi wants to remove him as a defendant in a case of sexual assault against Sean “Didi” – and includes their arguments for the chapter.

In October, Messi is accused of violating the gender violence law in New York City by covering up an alleged attack by Compass on a male employee at the pioneering Herald Square store in 2008.

The global management series argues that the prosecutor, who was determined only as John Du, cannot accuse Messi of the gender bias because, in the same lawsuit, the Ministry of Factors describes the same as being ready to attack men and women.

“The prosecutor’s special allegations not only prove that this was an attack of the same sex, but Mr. Combs has sexually assaulted both men and women, without looking at sex,” Messi’s lawyers said in the court papers last week.

“The prosecutor does not address the fact that his allegations prove that Mr. Combs was a sexual predator.”

Combs refused to comment on the Macey argument, instead, indicating his own request to reject the case against himself and his companies, on Tuesday.

His proposal also challenges the ability to apply the sexual violence law in New York. Combs has repeatedly denied any sexual assaults.

“Mr. Compes denies false and sinful claims against him in the complaint, and he is confident that the accused of the company (who has not claimed any misconduct or sharing against him will be justified) completely if this case will be transferred to the trial,” he said his proposal.

Decision of the Partial Court Judge C. Paul Ottinkin on whether Messi will be rejected at any time. A decision on the Kums dismissal offer is not due even some time after the plaintiff responds.

MAKY’s is the deepest defendant in any of the snowstorms of more than 30 sexual lawsuits filed against rapper last year.

The prosecutor says in a lawsuit that at the time of the alleged attack, he was working in the pioneering MACY store in Manhattan for Eco, a competitive brand for hip -hop for Sean John’s clothes from Comles.

19 pages He claimed that he was working in a stock room when Koms entered with three armed personalities who hit him and threatened to kill him.

Then he raped him in the stock, while “Eucko” and the ridicule described him, “Do you like it, Yet boy?” The lawsuit claims. After it was claimed that he had a two -minute attack, Kumz grabbed two times from the Shawn Jean clothes, left the stock with his personal guards, and started distributing the clothes to the shoppers “as if nothing happened,” as the case claims.

The prosecutor claims that the series did nothing to support him when he advanced with his allegations against rain, and instead he called him to protect a millions of dollars deal with Sean Jean.

In the fighting in order to bring him down as his defendant, Messi’s lawyers have argued that the lawsuit did not claim that the store staff were involved in any way of the attack.

Messi’s lawyers also referred to the victims of New York City of the Law on the Protection of Violence by the sexes. The man’s lawyers argued in a lawsuit that the gender violence law carries their client to search for compensation from Messi.

Messi responded that the law does not allow companies against companies to attack before 2022, and that the lawsuit failed to provide any evidence that the alleged violence was driven by gender.

The alleged “White Boy” “Combs” does not refer to the gender bias, MACY lawyers have argued in the papers signed by lawyer Daniel Kotler.

The word “boy” works in this scenario “in the first place as a term of situation and abandoning (the boy in exchange for man) instead of sexual comment (a boy in exchange for a girl) – it is in fact a reflection of the classic racist use of the term” boy “to deteriorate or reduce African Americans. Messi’s side.

Kotler did not immediately respond to a request to comment on this story.

Buzbee, the main lawyer of the prosecutor, the meters in the papers His “from the law.

“A new argument must fail,” Bouzbi told Business Insider on Tuesday about Messi’s arguments in Messi’s arguments.

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