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Mercury and DVIN LABS liquid partner to launch a wine trading platform from the investment category

Chicago, United States, March 17, 2025, series

The Mercury Liquid solution will occupy the World Wine Trading Book of Dvin Protocol

Siquid Mercury, a leading technology company in digital assets and encryption trading, announced today that it is in a strategic partnership with DVIN Labs (DVIN), which is an emerging task in creating a revolution in the wine industry with transparency with a blockchain and uniform liquidity.

Take advantage of data, decentralized physical infrastructure networks (DePin), and asset symbol in the real world (RWA), DVIN resolves the challenges of originality, verification and recession that transmitted wine investments into an ineffective and specialized activity that appeals to Uber-WWStery. The launch of the new statute will unify the liquidity that was previously fragmented, and the transformation of wine of the investment category into a category of developed assets with democratic tools and access to both retailers and institutions.

Using the same technology that is accused of trading coding for professional traders, brokers and exchanges, Sequid Mercury will provide white signs of DVIN partners for individual investors on board, who can immediately access to wine from their favorite wine makers and exclusive wine held in exposed warehouses around the world. The DVIN Global Order Broked book will collect regional markets and uses trading technology designed for this purpose to get the best price for buyers and sellers.

“The $ 300 Billion Investment-grade Wine Market is Ready to Be Exposed to New Investors and To Become a Liquid, Tradable Asset,“ Said Dvin Co-Founder and Co-CEOO, David Garrett. “Our goal is to make investing in wine easy and effective like investing in your favorite stocks, encrypted currency or other favorite assets. We have chosen mercury liquid as our chicken to create a liquid global market because our expertise in the wine market corresponds to their team’s expertise in the financial markets, which puts the basis for canceling the locking of the new exciting digital assets category.”

“Liquid Mercury is Thrilled to Partner with DVIN to unlock wine as an Investment and Tradable Asset to Millions of New Investors,“ Stated Liquid Mercury Ceo, Tony Saliba. “Our thesis of the assets in the real world was that investing in culture is a strong secular trend, and we know that our technology that has been tested in the battle can reliably work to operate the new digital markets, so we see tremendous potential in this partnership.”

About liquid mercury

Mercury Powers liquid vocational encryption trading and digital asset positions. Mercury liquid is the number 1 option for trading professionals on the sophisticated purchase aspect and founders who move to encryption. Institutional infrastructure, reaching deep liquidity, the best trading tools in its class and automating the workflow; The liquid marcury is built by professionals for professionals. For more information about the mercurial liquid (Ticker $ MERC), please visit Follow LinkedIn and x.

About DVIN Labs

DVIN LABS is the development team behind the DVIN protocol that is designed to take advantage of a set of data, DePin, Defi, and the distinctive symbol to bring wine, the real world assets category of 1T, on the series. The Blockchain technology takes advantage of the solving problem, combating fraud, transparency, standardized liquidity, supply chain efficiency, business intelligence, brand loyalty, and customer acquisition. To learn more about DVIN LABS and DVIN (Ticker $ VIN), users can visit:


Chief commercial officials
Ryan Hansen
Liquid mercury

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