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Mckinley tariff: Old photos show life under Trump’s definition championship

  • William McKinley came to power during the period of economic instability and equality.
  • As a member of Congress in 1890, he composed the highest and most protectionized tariff law in the history of the United States.
  • As a president, his views on trade turned towards a more mutual approach.

President Donald Trump has brought a historical figure in the introduction in recent months: William McKinley, the twenty -fifth of the United States.

McKinley, who was president between 1897 and 1901, composed the very protected tariff law for the year 1890, which was later named after his name, which imposed more than 50 % on many imported goods.

President Trump has the names of McKinley several times. During the 2024 campaign, Trump has repeatedly praised the tariff policies on McKinley, and attributed it to making America a “very wealthy state”.

“In the nineteenth century, our country may have ever its richest because it was a system of definitions,” Trump said in the Michigan municipal hall in September. “We had a president, did you know McKinley?”

Since his return to the White House, Trump enacted his aggressive definitions, including 25 % definitions on all imports of steel and aluminum and 10 % tariffs on imports from China. Earlier this month, also imposed 25 % tariff In most elements of Canada and Mexico, but later these tariffs were later delayed for 30 days.

McKinley’s tariff policies, which were put forward when he was a member of Congress, had a great influence on the economy, and it was eventually unpopularly popular among the voters, as they led him and other members of the Republican Congress to lose their seats in the mid -1890. His opinion on foreign trade by the time he became president.

“This was protected in the faces,” William Colt, Professor of History at the University of Francis Marion, told Business Insider for the original MCKINLEY policy. “There was a major political reaction against it.”

The images emerge from the late nineteenth and early twentieth century, the economic factors that led to McKinley’s tariff, how the daily life of the Americans has changed, and what led to the ultimately to retreat from its policies.

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