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Crypto News

Crypto Investor loses 900 thousand dollars due to volatility in just two days

The encryption trading industry has created major landmarks over the years. It is expected that many prominent landmarks with Donald Trump’s presidency. However, fluctuations and uncertainty still exist, creating challenges for merchants. A single encryption investor lost approximately 900 thousand dollars (892 thousand dollars specifically) for such difficulties, highlighting the need to manage the risks and investments that were searched. In this blog, let’s discuss the error that happened.

The encryption investor surrendered to Fomo, and lost $ 892,000 in two days

Anonymous encryption merchant went to the trading industry, where he spent 4,248 Sol, equivalent to $ 1.06 million, to buy various symbols. However, to be amazed, all commercial activities failed, leaving the trader with a loss of $ 892,000.

According to The Lookonchain Post, all of this happened in two days, as the encryption trader surrendered to Fomo and invested in Trending Cryptos at the time. Although trends often bring heavy returns, timing plays an important role. At the end of the trend, the commercial position usually leads to heavy losses.

In this way, another dealer has lost $ 60,000 with a constant wrong ruling with three encryptions.

Lookonchain Post

This encrypted investor above the above lost in front of FOMO and made the same error frequently, lost in all deals.

Trader failed with 12 continuous symbols, as it reached 0 % of the return on investment

Lookonchain Analysis It reveals that the encryption investor has invested in 13 symbols, including Alon, Vine and many others. Among them, the person faced losses in 12 symbols, and barely made any returns on the remaining encryption, or only $ 231. The biggest losses were on Alon and Vine, as the investor spent 627 thousand dollars and 888 thousand dollars on Vine, which all went to no avail.

The encryption dealer lost to FomoThe encryption dealer lost to Fomo

As a result, the investment return on this merchant reached nearly 0 % and the loss to 891 thousand dollars in just two days.

What is the lesson here?

The encryption industry provides different profitable opportunities, but profits depend on trading, trading skills, and many other factors. The inventor of the above -mentioned encryption failed in all these measures, as it lost 891 thousand dollars. This clearly shows the reason for not trading with FOMO and implementing the correct trading technology to maintain profits in the market.


Bouja Khargia

With a deep -rooted passion for reading and five years experience in writing the content, POOJA is now focusing on formulating the content of the direction around the encrypted currency market. As a dedicated encryption journalist, Poja is constantly looking for topics and media statistics to create convincing pieces for encryption lovers. Staying in view of the latest trends and progress in this field is an integral part of its daily routine, which provides a commitment to provide time in time and insight.

Responsibility: Is market research before investing in encrypted currencies? The author or post does not bear any responsibility for your personal financial loss.

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