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Kucoin Eu Files Micar Application in Austria to ensure compatible EA operations


  • Micar Kucoin Eu will be able to serve its customers in all the 30 European Union countries.

Kucoin, a leading global encryption currency exchange, has announced that Kucoin Eu Exchang GmbH is in the process of submitting a request for a Micar license in Austria. This application confirms Kucoin’s commitment to meet the highest organizational compliance standards while preparing its entry into the European Union/EA.

Micar Kucoin Eu will be able to serve its customers in all member countries throughout the European Union and EA, ensuring consistent access to encryption products and services in a strong organizational framework. This initiative is in line with the Kucoin vision to enhance transparency, confidence and accountability in managing the best digital asset services in its class, providing users with a safe and compatible trading platform.

Kucoin Eu will create its headquarters in Vienna, Austria, which represents a strategic center for all European activities and is actually employing talents for its operations. The decision to choose Austria was primarily driven by the appropriate implementation of the laws accompanying the microscope, the stable and expected organizational environment in addition to the huge talent group. Kucoin Eu admits to pursue Austria, for example, the city of Vienna, in creating a transparent, effective and better frame in its class for encryption companies to work while protecting interests for investors and enhancing innovation in the financial sector.

Commenting on the establishment of the European Union Center, the CEO of Kucoin BC Wong said: “As an exchange of global encryption, we put the experience of compliance and the user experience at the forefront To apply Micro in Austria. The Micar license, we will enter the EEA market, which we see in strategic aspects. “

Oliver Stop, former General Adviser and Managing Director of Pepanda, Christian Nedermuel, former CEO for the exchange of other European digital assets, both old warriors in the European encryption industry and experienced financial managers with a legal background, were appointed as administrative managers in Kucoin Eu. Staober and Nedermueler brings extensive experience in organizing the financial market and managing encryption, which enhances the position of pioneering Cocoin while moving on the complexities of advanced encryption regulations in Europe while ensuring a successful and organizational organizational and organizational process in the European Union and EA.

I feel overwhelmed to start this trip as CuCoin Eu CEO, where we are ready to revolutionize the encryption scene throughout the European Union and EA with innovative products and services. In Kucoin Eu, our mission is clear: to create a encryption asset service provider in Europe, and the consensus of organizational assets. We are excited to announce that we will apply for a Micar license in Austria. Upon receiving a Micar license, we are committed to providing safe, compatible and advanced encryption solutions that will redefine confidence and innovation in the Fintech Square in the European Union. Prepare for a new era in encryption! “

Oliver Stop, CEO of the European Union Cocoin

“After increasing another European exchange and the presence of feet in the digital assets industry now for more than 9 years, I am very pleased to help bring KuCoin to the next level in Europe. We aim to build a wonderful local team, and we have an advanced preparation for operation and products, as well as enhance the brand awareness Great years in the coming years. Be a customer of Kucoin myself from the start in 2017, I couldn’t be shining At this stage.

Christian Nedermwell, Director of Operations at the European Union Cocoin

Once Kucoin Eu is granted its Micar license, Kucoin Eu will be well placed to provide services to European users, allowing access to a wide range of digital assets while ensuring compliance with the rules of the European Union. The company’s long -term vision includes contributing to the adoption of the broader Blockchain technology and the strengthening of the European Union as a pioneer in the global ecosystem for encryption.

With Kucoin take this step forward, the stock market remains focused on enhancing innovation and confidence in the area of ​​digital assets while aligning its operations with organizational frameworks all over the world.

About the European Union Cocoin

Kucoin Eu Exchang GmbH, based in Vienna, Austria, is committed to creating a completely compatible digital assets in the Michar framework. By taking advantage of the advanced technology in Kucoin and sponsoring the respected Kucoin brand, Kucoin Eu aims to provide safe and innovative encryption products and services to its customers within the European Economic Zone (EA).

Kucoin Eu Exchang GmbH currently does not provide any services in the European Union/EEA and will only start operating when receiving the appropriate license.

About kucoin

Kucoin was founded in 2017, and is one of the world’s leading and most recognized technology platforms that support digital economies, which were built on a strong basis for edge -edge infrastructure, liquidity solutions, and an exceptional user experience. With a continuous user base exceeding 39 million worldwide, Kucoin provides comprehensive solutions to digital assets across governor, trade, wealth management, payments, research, projects, and robots operating in Amnesty International.

Kucoin won awards such as “Best Applications and Expatals for encryption” by forbes and was recognized between “the best 50 global unit” by Horon in 2024. This recognition reflects its commitment to the basic principles and values ​​that focus on the user, which include integrity, accountability, and cooperation And the pursuit is uncompromising for excellence.

Kucoin is not licensed in the European Union/EA and does not actively provide any services in the European Union.

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