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KAKEN is close to a $ 1.5 billion deal, allowing it to submit the future of encryption: Report

Crypto Exchange Kaken is said to be closed to obtain $ 1.5 billion from the Ninjatrader trading platform, a step that would expand the KAKEN customer base and enable it to provide future and derivative contracts in the United States.

The deal can be confirmed by the morning of March 20 in the United States, Wall Street Journal He said In the March 19 report, quoting people familiar with this issue.

The expanded Kraken offers will be presented by the registration of Ninjatrader as the Justice Contract Committee dealer.

This step will help Kraken’s strategy to work through many asset classes – including stock and payments trading plans – with Ninjatrader enabled the expansion of the UK, continental Europe and Australian markets.

Ninjatrader is expected to remain an independent platform under Kraken.

Cointelegraph connects with Kaken and Ninjatrader to comment, but he did not receive an immediate response.

source: Wall Street Journal

KRAKEN recorded $ 1.5 billion and $ 665 billion in trading volume of 2.5 million financing accounts from the customer on its platform in 2024, while Ninjatrader recently He said Future trading tools are used by more than 1.8 million customers.

KAKEN announced its intention to expand its products and services last November when it closed its uncomplicated symbolic market.

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This comes at a time when the US Securities and Stock Exchange Committee dropped a lawsuit against Kraken on March 3 after it initially claimed that the encryption platform was an unregistered mediator, a merchant, an exchange and reckless agency.

The lawsuit was rejected with bias, without any confession of error, no penalties and no changes to Kraken’s work.

Kraken is one of many companies that benefit from a more relaxed organizational environment in the United States during President Donald Trump, who promised to make America a “capital of encryption” in the world.

The Crypto Exchange was founded in 2011 by Thanh Luu, Michael Grunger and former CEO Jesse Powell, who handed over to the former CEO for Data Analysis Prince Orad last July.

Kraken is constantly ranked first between the largest seven to 15 encryption exchanges through the immediate trading volume, as it treats between 390 million dollars and $ 4.4 billion in daily deals during the past three months, According to To Coingecko data.

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