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ThinkMarkets celebrates the anniversary of 15 years


  • To celebrate this teacher, Thinkmarkkets launch initiatives to thank the people who played a fundamental role in his journey and success.

ThinkMarketsAnd he is a world -recognized leader in online online trading, celebrating 15 years of merchants who serve all over the world. For more than a decade, the broker of merchants in more than 165 countries provided a distinct trading experience, combining the best in its class, implementation, and a mixture of multi -asset commercial products in one show. To celebrate this teacher, Thinkmarkkets launch initiatives to thank the people who played a fundamental role in his journey and success.

Global trading has advanced since 2010

From its inception, Thinkmarkts has constantly strengthened the trading experience with its innovative platform, Thinktrader. I put the continuous investment in the infrastructure of the server and the strong focus on implementing advanced technology in the thinking sites at the forefront of industry, while adhering to the innovation that leads its development.

Learn about people and progress

ThinkMarkkets was driven by the support of its traders, partners and employees all over the world. To recognize their contributions, the company launches a series of initiatives, including:

  • Competitions and gifts: A year evaluation of events, competitions and awards.
  • Media interviews: Exclusive interviews with long -term individuals, effective for the company’s success.
  • Bonus incentives: New initiatives offer additional benefits to their customers and partners.

Commenting on the teacher, Nauman Anees, Co-CEO OF ThinkMarks said:

ThinkMarkets has started a vision to build a trading platform in the global financial market that enables customers of the best technologies. Over the past fifteen years, it has grown to global mediation with a presence in more than 165 countries, and we served all kinds of merchants. To celebrate this main landmark, we launch a series One of the initiatives that lies our journey and our achievements.

To learn more about the 15 -year anniversary, users can visit

About Thinkmarkts

ThinkMarkets It is the online multi -organizational mediation that was established in 2010, and provides customers quickly and easy to more than 4000 CFD tools via FX, indicators, commodities, stocks, and more. Thinkmarkkets has offices in London, Melbourne and Tokyo, and centers in the Asia Pacific region, Europe and South Africa. It also works with many financial licenses all over the world and provides some of the most famous trading platforms in this field, including the award -winning Thanktrader platform.

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