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INIC Digital provides an update on the annual meeting of the year 2025 for shareholders – Cryptomode

Austin, Texas – (Benus Weair) – today it announced that the company “Ayon” or “the company”), a company for digital infrastructure and mining in the encrypted currency, today intends to suggest, without making any company, at 9:00 years (Al -Bid). The company’s board of directors (“Board of Directors”) took this decision after the discussions between the company and some shareholders (“prosecutors”) in the suspended litigation before the Dillauir State Court (“Court”) and in light of the schedule set by the court for this litigation.

More specifically, the company is a defender in the lawsuits that the suspended claimants began before the court, where the shareholders claimed: (1) The court must retain the size of the Board of Directors from six managers, instead of the current five directors; (2) The court must consider some of the election candidates as manager (managers) of the company at the annual meeting that it was complied with the internal regulations of the company’s prior note 2.4; And (3) The quorum requirements should not be determined at the annual meeting according to the regulations. The company strongly exceeds the allegations of the prosecutors and is ready to defend itself and follow up on any counter -claims that are valid against shareholders for the plaintiffs.

The company’s board of directors took the decision, in the wake of discussions with the lawyer’s lawyer for the prosecutors, and the company represented by the court, that the company will postpone the annual meeting until about 30 days from the date of the court’s decision in the suspended litigation.

A court was determined by the court on May 8 or 9, 2025. The company expects the annual meeting to be held about 30 days from the date of the court’s decision. The company will announce the new date for the annual meeting after the court’s decision.

About the ionic digital

INIC Digital is prominent and innovative bitcoin miners arising in energy liquefaction. With facilities across the United States and a total capacity of 394 MW, INIC expects to lead the next generation of energy -saving computing, low cost through sustainable bitcoin mining. For more information, please visit and follow us on x on @ionicdigal.

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