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Inflation has increased and neutral rates have increased

A member of the Federal Reserve Council (Fed) indicated on Friday that economic growth and activity in the United States are in good health in general, but indicated that progress towards inflation goals at the Federal Reserve was somewhat unbalanced.

The most prominent major landmarks

When considering the appropriate policy prices, we will see developments, and we evaluate data, expectations and risks carefully.

The latest progress in inflation is slow and uneven. Inflation is still high.

The job report in January shows that the US labor market is in good health, neither weakening nor heated.

Continuous productivity gains would help the Federal Reserve to achieve goals.

The American economy is in full swing. I expect GDP growth in Q1.

American economic activity is still flexible.

The stable labor market gives the federal reserve time to make decisions.

We are not 2 % enlargement. It makes sense to keep fixed rates.

You need to see the slowdown of continuous inflation to feel comfortable at cutting rates.

The economy is flexible and the labor market is healthy.

The inflation rate has gone sideways and escalating.

It makes sense to keep the policy price in its location.

And the good news is the enlargement of housing in the fourth quarter.

It has risen neutral, and not as much as others see.

We are not in neutral yet.

There will be a lot of discussion, papers and discussion about the rest of the Federal Reserve Policy.

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