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Individual effective meetings: 5 implementation practices

Individual meetings are essential to building a high -performance team that can expand to meet work needs and contribute to the growth of the organization.

Most managers realize the importance of these meetings, however, they either cancel their cleaning or manage them dedicated without appropriate planning or attention to their effectiveness.

They treat them like an element in the task menu, which looks good by adding any value to the team’s learning and growth.

Certainly, the lack of these discussions is bad, but it is worse when these meetings leave people feel confused, exhausted or excitement because their managers are either not ready or do not know how to run them well.

The meetings are at the heart of an effective organization, and each meeting is an opportunity to clarify issues, set new trends, sharpen focus, create alignment, and move goals forward.

Paul Actil

Use these five practices to run individual effective meetings:

Be a human being, not a robot

Many managers have set strict professional boundaries and do not try to know their direct reports beyond work.

They talk about working all the time – authorship, final dates and expectations. For them, nothing else matters. It seems that engaging in a small conversation or discussing anything that does not involve work as a waste of time because they do not understand the value of building a personal communication and a peek on the life of their team outside the work.

Your reports are real human beings with emotions, desires and dreams. They have a life out of work. Treating them as human beings, not resources, builds the necessary communication to use their full potential.

To make your individual meetings very effective, start getting to know your team:

  1. They inquired a little about their families, background and childhood.
  2. Discover what attracts their attention at work.
  3. Ask about their hobbies and interests. You may discover a joint link.
  4. What do they appreciate more?
  5. What puts them – something they cannot tolerate?
  6. What is their greatest strength?
  7. What are they more fearful?
  8. What ways do they want to support?

We strive for all your individual meetings to feel embarrassed a little. Why? Because the most important and significant conversations have this distinctive. It is not easy to discuss errors, tensions, or talking about deep concerns or secret hopes, but a strong relationship can not be built on surface compliments alone.

Jolly Choo

Asking these questions without getting a very personality can only give you the information necessary to communicate effectively and work better together. It can be able to enable you to adapt the conversation instead of just following the text program.

Individual meetings cannot be effective if you don’t try to know the person on the other side. Personal links are a prerequisite for a health professional relationship.

Think of growth, not updating the situation

One thing that the manager’s mind always tops the fulfillment of the final dates and the expectations of stakeholders. This can lead to a virtual tendency to request project updates whenever they meet their team.

The status updates are important to know how the team advances, what challenges they face, and how they plan to cancel the ban themselves. But there is time and place for that. Individual meetings are not one of them.

Individual meetings should be largely focused on understanding your team’s fears, discussing opportunities, Grandstroke solutions, Determining areas of growth.

Here are some questions towards growth for an effective individual meeting:

  • What are the challenges that they recently faced and how did they overcome them?
  • What is the most exciting at work?
  • What disturbed them more and why?
  • What kind of opportunities do they need to build new skills?
  • What are their strengths? How can they use their strengths for better use?
  • What conflict did they face recently and how did they deal with it?

The discussion directed towards growth will not only remain a fruitful conversation, but it will be very attractive to your team. They will be challenged to think, deal with their problems, develop solutions, and draw valuable educational lessons, which makes them more flexible in the face of adversity and challenges.

No less talks, more listening

Individual meetings may seem a great opportunity to share everything in your mind-all your fears, notes, problems or anything else you find worth sharing.

But trying to complete your business schedule, you can speak a lot and do only a little listening. The speech makes you feel satisfied – you wear yourself on his back to work well.

But doing all the conversation prevents you from listening to their expectations and interests. You only miss to understand how to receive your message, but also let them feel that they are not teachers and misunderstanding.

To attend one effective meeting on one, make them feel hearing and understanding first. They are likely to listen to you when you listen to them first with the intention of understanding and showing their views.

Practicing Effective listening Using these practices:

  1. Find clarity and invite them to speak by asking open questions.
  • “Tell me more …”
  • “Help me understand …”
  • “Describe me …”
  • “What is your opinion …”
  • “I would like to understand where I came from …”
  • “Can you share more about how to see things …?”
  1. Turn beyond words to non-verbal communication-sound gestures, hand gestures and body language.

  2. Acknowledging their feelings and views. Admission does not mean that you agree with them. This simply means that you understand what they feel.

The key to one meeting on one on one is to understand that the employee meeting instead of the director’s meeting. This is the free meeting of all urgent issues, wonderful ideas and chronic frustrations that are not accurately proportional to the reports of the status, e -mail and other personal and intimate mechanisms.

– Bin Horwatz

Keep the flexible and open discussion – put what they want to discuss instead of driving with your agenda.

Dealing with individual meetings as dialogue, not a monologue enables your team members to control their growth and learning. They feel Feeling control On the discussion that encourages them to participate enthusiastically and a positive situation.

Keep present, continue deviations away

Managers are busy with hundreds of things on their minds and multiple things competing for their interest – their owners with unrealistic requirements, final dates are close, clients ’escalation, surplus evaluation, and an incoming box filled with email messages.

This makes it difficult for them to focus on one thing simultaneously.

Looking at the phone or laptop while talking.

Check the hour several times.

Hymma is hateful.


All of these behaviors at a 1-1 meeting transmit only one thing-you are not interested in them and prefer to be anywhere else now.

Attention, multiple tasks, or pretending to listen at one meeting on one not only unresolved and rude, but it closes the conversation immediately.

To make your members open, you need to build confidence – create space as they feel safe to share their ideas and interests. This is not possible when you are physically present, but it was mentally examined.

What is often fails is appreciated by everyone is the importance of driving work, simply to give someone your unpopular attention for a period of time.

– Nick Robinson

Before entering a 1-1 conversation, adhere to the attendees-set aside all sources of distraction and pay attention to the person in front of you.

Giving them your undesirable attention clarifies the value you put in an individual meeting, which encourages others to commit to commitment and present as well.

Select a rhythm, do not meet a custom

Individual meetings are a great source of bridging the gap between your expectations and the performance of your team. Both parties help reach a common ground through compatibility with the goals, determining the direction, clarifying assumptions, and providing the necessary support.

Your team cannot excel without clarity on how they work and what they can do to be better. The continuous pursuit of improvement is the key to opening their hidden potential.

To enable your team to strive to achieve excellence and instability in mediocrity, you need to hold regular discussions with a pre -defined rhythm. The presence of a meeting schedule not only makes these meetings more likely to happen, but also allows both the director and the direct report to be better for constructive discussion.

You can still hold improvised comments that cannot wait, but not everything is sensitive to time and most of it can wait.

Managers who do not have a plan to speak with everyone in their team are deceived. They believe that they will learn what is going on in their group through some magical organizational osmosis and will not do so. Ideas will not be discovered, talents will be ignored, and the team will slowly begin to believe what they think does not matter, and the team is the company.

Michael Loop

Depending on the size of your team, you should be set weekly, every two weeks, or a month, or even a quarter of an annual 1-1. Schedule on the calendar to increase the possibility of her presence. Do not miss these meetings at any cost unless an emergency is not waiting.

1-1 The meetings are not one time phenomenon. You need to meet your team regularly. Adjust a rhythm so that your team looks at this every time.


  1. Individual meetings play an important role in creating a team to achieve success by harmonizing goals, setting expectations, providing support, and helping your team to realize their real potential.

  2. It is important to take a peek at your team’s life until after work. It prevents you from setting strict boundaries at work or talking at all times from creating a personal communication necessary to work together as a team. Treat your team members as human beings and intend to live.

  3. The responsibility for meeting the time tables of delivery and obligations can make many managers talk about the situation all the time. However, requesting case updates at a 1-1 meeting destroys its goal. Individual meetings should focus on growth-what kind of opportunities your team needs, skills to be built, how to overcome challenges, etc.

  4. When you hold a 1-1 meeting, do not try to mark each element on your agenda. Leave a space to hear your team’s ideas and fears. The more time you spend the conversation, say, listen to you. The less listening, the more your ability to determine the necessary changes for your team’s productivity and performance.

  5. Your role as a manager will keep you more busy than you imagined. This makes you more vulnerable to multiple tasks, wandering in the mind, and many other deviations. Not to give the discussion your full interest makes it difficult for your team to trust you. Without confidence, time is lost in illogical topics without addressing real issues and concerns.

  6. Try to press 1-1 randomly when your calendar allows it to seem best use for your time. But doing it without the appropriate planning makes it less likely to be effective. Specialized meetings are also irregular and may not happen for a long time. Agreed on a pre -determined frequency with your team and scheduling individual meetings in the evaluation in advance. Your team will look at them as they will have time to prepare for a fruitful conversation.

This story was published here. Follow me on LinkedIn or here for more stories.

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