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In the midst of the mysterious view of the Federal Reserve, there is a single and mysterious comment that predicts stronger economic growth

  • In all fields, Federal Reserve officials expectations As for the American economy, it has aggravated in its recent report, which summarizes their expectations. They expected growth and inflation to be slowed to provide one official, who expected GDP growth will prevent 2.4 % and 2.5 %.

The federal reserve has optimistic in the middle.

When the central bank issued the latest round of economic expectations on Wednesday, a federal reserve official had a more positive look at American growth compared to its colleagues.

The official, whose name was externally between the rest of the Federal Open Market Committee, was expected to grow the gross domestic product in the United States ranged between 2.4 % to 2.5 % during the next two years. No other member of the committee expected to reach 2 %.

the a reportOfficially known as the summary of economic projections, but it is indicated colloquially as the “point plot”, is a quarterly round of what federal reserve officials from the American economy expect over the next few years. Investors and economists carefully monitor DOT conspiracies when they are released to assess any changes to the Federal Reserve expectations of the economy.

The latest DOT conspiracy witnessed the consensus expectations between the decrease in the leadership of the Federal Reserve compared to those in its previous version in December. In this report, 13 members of the committee expected more than 2 % growth of GDP from 2025 to 2027. One official expected in December 2.5 %.

Since anonymous Dot plot, it is not possible to determine whether the same committee member of December has the same positive view this time.

In general, expectations moved in a relatively dark direction. Growth expectations have decreased, while inflation and unemployment expectations have risen. “The officials saw a clear shift in the risks towards poor growth and high inflation as well,” Deutsche Bank wrote in a analytical memo after the Federal Reserve meeting.

The average Federal Reserve’s expectations for GDP growth decreased from 2.1 % to 1.7 %, according to the Dot March plot. When dealing with this change, Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell described him as a “meaningful decrease in growth”, during a press conference on Wednesday.

Although Powell repeated – as he did throughout the year – the economy is generally analog. He added that the decreases in growth expectations were mostly due to high levels of uncertainty.

Most of this stems from the uncertainty of political proposals by President Donald Trump: the policy of tariffs it follows, its threat, and its pledge to enact a strict immigration policy. Both policies can hurt the economy by igniting the trade war and reducing employment offer, respectively. To date, the Trump administration has taken amazing moves on the definitions, which is a decisive part of its unconventional trade policy. After implementing the sweeping tariffs on China, the second largest economy in the world, Trump also established the customs tariff for Mexico and Canada after that. A new round of definitions is scheduled to enter into force on April 2, which did little to provide investors with the clarity they are looking for.

The lack of details about the nature of the customs tariff policies makes it difficult to evaluate its effect beyond the vast strokes. Powell said on Wednesday: “There are many things that we do not know,” Powell said on Wednesday. “But we know somewhat that there is a tariff and running out to reduce growth, as it tends to raise inflation in the first place.”

The investor expectations are also compatible with the unanimity of the Federal Reserve – but not the only optimistic.

“We reduced our expectations in the GDP of 2025, as we raised our basic inflation expectations amid escalating pressure on the prices of goods and the expected effects of the definitions,” Vanjard wrote to investors in an email on Thursday morning.

The wide uncertainty about the policies that will be implemented and how the economy would affect the economy is one of the decisive factors in the decision of the Fed to stop the discounts in interest rates so far this year. On Wednesday, Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell reported that the central bank was not in a hurry to change interest rates. He said that the economy was equal enough so that the federal reserve could view more clarity on the future policies of the White House.

This reality is to transform the balance of power within the government.

“We are facing a change in the system from a world that dominates monetary policy to dominant financial policy,” said Richard de Shazal. William Blair researcher for stocks.

This story was originally shown on

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