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Florida Forsix Forsux appears from space in fire

  • The SpaceX vehicle exploded after getting out of control during its eighth launch into space.
  • The amateur astronomer took an amazing video clip of spin in the girl and falling from space in fire.
  • The footage shows how the spacecraft created a danger to space on South Florida.

The huge space fell from Spacex, fell from the space, and exploded amazingly after its eighth launch on Thursday.

Spacex lost video feeding from Starship and cut off the live broadcast after the car began to decrease, but Scott Ferguson in Sarasota, Florida was recording everything with a telescope.

Its unique video footage shows Starship in detail. It also shows the risk of the created accident, causing federal aviation protocol and air flights for air airports in Orlando, Miami, Fort Lauderdale and Palm Beach. The Federal Aviation Administration said, if parts of the spacecraft come, they do not want planes on the road.

In Ferguson video, below, Starship creates a bright ghost spiral in the sky with Wisps of Flame.

After about 45 seconds, a spiral becomes a fiery line with a decrease in the vehicle.

Ferguson, who has a doctorate in neuroscience and records a space of space for his YouTube Astronomy livesBusiness Insider told that he had a camera and trained camera on the central vehicle throughout its launch.

Suddenly, Spacex The network broadcast showed a jacket retreating and started falling from space. It is likely to explode in any minute.

Earth view of the space ship after four golden conical engines.

The scene of the Starship skirt exceeds its engines on the ground just minutes before the loss of control.

Spacex via X

Ferguson said At that moment he realized that the program that he used to direct his telescope was lagging behind the actual stars. He wiped the horizon and saw a bright strait in the southwestern sky. It seemed as if the sedition was blowing, bright enough to see it with the naked eye.

He grabbed a stick to control the control of its telescope and directed it to the space ship. By the time when it was a championship in the scenes of a telescope, just after seconds, he said, It was almost already because of the exact south.

“He is going very quickly,” Ferguson said.

He continued to follow him wandering through the sky, as he was crossing from the Gulf to the Atlantic Ocean while falling from space.

By the end of his shots, just a few minutes later, The mothers fire disappeared under the southeastern horizon.

A ball of fire roaming in a black sky

As the fall continued, a spiral moved to a fiery line.

Astronomy lives on YouTube

Ferguson was disappointed to see a jacket that explodes, but he was happy with his shot.

“I am a fan of any big missile,” Ferguson said, adding that he had seen most of the space shuttle launches.

NASA depends on this car to the Earth’s astronauts on the surface of the moon for the first time since the Apollo era, a task aimed at flying in 2027.

However, this was the second trip for Starship in a row to explode before it ended in reaching the area.

“It gives me a lot of concern about the shape of this schedule,” Ferguson said.

Eleon Musk, founder and CEO, told Spacex x The accident was a “slight setback” and another ship is ready to fly within four to six weeks.

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