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I have been described as a “low performer” in Meta and was demobilized. I am devastating.

  • A former Meta employee was appointed in 2022 and had positive reviews for two years.
  • They were shocked when they received a “low performance” classification and they were demobilized on February 10.
  • The former employee said they are concerned that the mark could harm the search for a job and felt treason.

This article, who works on a conversation with a former Meta employee who worked in the company for two and a half years. They spoke on condition of anonymity due to concerns about future employment. Business Insider checks their identity, employment and performance reviews in Meta. The following has been released for length and clarity.

I was employed by Meta in late 2022. During my presence there, I received performance reviews every six months, as my classifications were always “when expecting, above” or “I have fulfilled the continued expectations”. Of course, I received small adjustments and natural reactions at any review, but I did not receive any indication that I was a low performer or that I was heading down.

When Zuckerberg announced that Meta would be It puts the lowest 5 % of the performance artistsI felt anxiously anxious, but I looked at him Standards They would have advanced and thought, “This does not apply to me. I got good reviews until this point.” I did not think that I would be in this bucket.

I woke up to an e -mail off at 5 am, and at 8 am, I lost all access to chats

Send an email at 5 am Pacific time, and at 8 am, we were closed from our chats. I couldn’t say goodbye to my colleagues. On the morning of my hairstyle, I felt despair. I really worked, it is really difficult to get this job, worked long hours, and has made a lot of effort to support my team. I felt this deep feeling of defeat.

Then I got angry. You are angry, like angry anger. I can not even put the words I felt. I lost a lot – my confidence, my hearing, a large amount of invested shares. I just remember to be in bed, shout in a pillow.

I felt treason by the company I worked in, and destroyed my confidence in this process.

I have no idea how they decided that I was low

I did not receive any documents explaining how they got a “low performance” rating, so I have no official idea Why this happened. I did not get a signal from my managers. I have just received the evaluation and the end of the end that I was leaving it.

I am very afraid of how the “low -performance” poster affects my ability to find a new job.

Now, and Zeitgeist sympathetic For those who have been demobilized, but I know that it will affect the future employment. It is really a difficult job, so I’m afraid. I am really really afraid.

Since Meta is clearly called the affected people as “low artists”, any employment manager looks at the date of my end will be known. We are uniquely deprived because of This advertisement has been leaked It was widely published.

For the first week after my demobilization, I couldn’t even understand the idea of ​​updating my CV or searching for jobs. I felt so despair that I could hardly motivate myself to get out of the bed. I had already fought with Antichrist syndrome, and I felt as if dead threw salt in the wound. I will have to rebuild my self -confidence, and this will take some time.

I think this will be a moment to go back to a step back, I upset myself, and think about what I really want for myself and my career. Now, I know that I appreciate some sense of stability. I know that there is no stable job, but I really want my next turn to be somewhere in which driving does not seem to have a publicly hostile position towards its employees.

My opinion has changed in Mark Zuckerberg completely

I used to defend Mark Zuckerberg to people. I thought he was elegant in the company’s meetings and really funny. Now, I feel that it was just an interface.

Between workers’ demobilization, removal of Dei initiatives, changes about moderate content, it seems that Mark Zuckerberg tests the number of decisions he can make without revenge. Since Meta is a great player in the technology industry, I am concerned that the company creates an environment as other employers follow his example.

Tech is used to be a place where companies take care of their employees and where we have been supported, but now it seems that we are all in the meat mill. It is really sad to see.

Meta can already be filling these roles

Meta lay off thousands of employees and said they would start packing Many of these roles with new people.

I joined a time when Meta’s shares were less, and like many of my co -workers, part of my compensation is associated with the value of the company’s shares. I wondered whether the “low performance” sign is a way to allow expensive employees.

I am concerned about talking about it Fear of revenge. I hope that people are sympathetic to those who were affected by the demobilization of workers for a period of six months or a year on the road.

Nobody knows how long we’ll be looking for a new job. I heard horror stories from people Apply to hundreds of jobs For more than a year. I don’t think this will be my position, but it indicates how difficult the market is now.

I received a call with my father on that day and told him that I don’t know what to hope now. The rug was pulled from under me. I don’t know how to move forward with it.

Meta did not respond to a comment by Business Insider.

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