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Crypto News

Howard Lottenic, Bitcoin supporters, as US Secretary of Trade

Howard Lootnick, a long -standing defender of Bitcoin and former CEO Fitzgerd, has been confirmed as the new US Trade Minister. The Senate approved his candidacy in a vote 51-45, which obtained his position in the administration of President Donald Trump.

Howard Lottenic as US Trade Minister

According to the assertion vote, Lutnick will now lead the Ministry of Commerce, supervision of economic statistics, census, and weather reports. The role of a workforce management includes about 50,000 employees during the implementation of the administration’s commercial policies.

Lutnick is expected to work alongside Jamieson Greer, Trump’s candidate for commercial negotiator, to impose tariff policies aimed at reshaping American trade relations. He has expressed his support to impose definitions on the basis of each country separately, on the pretext that it will encourage foreign governments to reduce the commercial barriers of American goods.

Bitcoin supporters congratulated the prominent, including the Chairman of Microstrategy, Michael Sailor and Sennur Centeh Lomes, for his confirmation. Silor wrote on X, “Congratulations @howardlutnick on your assertion as Minister of Trade,” noting that Bitcoin’s strong financial Lutnick was exposed.

At the same time, the American Senator from Wyoming Sinaia Lomes, an audio supporter of the encrypted currency, expressed his confidence in his leadership, saying: “I know that he will do a great job in revitalizing our economy.”

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Kelvin Monin Murithi

Kelvin is a distinguished writer who has experience in encryption and financing, holding a Bachelor’s degree in Actura Sciences. It is famous for its careful analysis and insightful content.

Responsibility: Is market research before investing in encrypted currencies? The author or post does not bear any responsibility for your personal financial loss.

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