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How to cook the best fish at home according to Michelin’s star chef

  • Chef Massimo Falsini specializes in seafood in Caruso’s, a Michelin star restaurant in Santa Barbara.
  • Valsini recommends the fisheries before cooking to keep it wet.
  • Its favorite method of cooking fish roasting it next to the potatoes in the oven.

The soft spinal seas, butter and the outdoor, are just some amazing seafood dishes coming from the kitchen in Caroso, which is the Michelin star in Rosewood Miramar Beach Resort in Santa Barbara, California.

So when Business Insider recently sat with Massimo Falsini, the director of cooks at the luxurious Montecito Hotel, we knew that we had to discover his advice to cook the best fish at home.

“The best way to do fish, first and foremost, she loves fish,” said Walsini, who spent the past thirty years cooking in some of the best hotels around the world. “Many people do not like fish.”

Here are some of his advice.

Smart shopping in the seafood department

A selection of fresh fish in a seafood store

Valsini said that your thickness should smell a smell like the ocean and be firm on touch.

Prasit Photo/Getty Images

You cannot love fish before buying fish, and choose a full fish on pre -prepared cuts allows you to check the optimum freshness.

The smell of fresh fish will smell like the ocean and be firm on touch. The gills should be bright red, and the eyes should never look cloudy.

“They should be open, round, full, and clear,” Valsini added. “It is very important that the eyes be clear.”

Once you choose fresh fish, ask fish or butcher’s butcher. Then, you are ready to cook.

Luminous solution per day keeps dry fish far away

As with chicken or turkey, soaking your fish in a cold saline solution – a salty water solution that often includes sugar – will help keep it moisturized. This technique works with both fish and full slices, and Valsini recommends that it be tried with hybrid or alleged.

Valsini said: “You mix a little sugar, a little salt – usually two parts of salt, one sugar – with water.” “Fish saline solution for 30 minutes before cooking it.”

Just be sure to dry the fish well before starting cooking. Wet fish will stick directly to the pan.

Grill your fish with potatoes

Rose fish on a bed of potatoes

Valsini recommends that fish roast in the oven with potatoes for the perfect seafood dish.

Deepblue4you/Getty Images

Valsini believes that the best way to cook fish is to roast it in the oven alongside some delicious potatoes.

It recommends the luster of potatoes first, boils shortly for the uterus, then cools them in ice water. Then, spill the potatoes with garlic, virgin olive oil, lemon juice, salt and rosemary.

“I would also like to put a little sweet pepper on smoke and color,” Valsini told Bi.

Then, put the fish and potatoes in a frying pan and add lemon slices, broken garlic and parsley. Season the fish with salt and virgin olive oil as well.

Valsini recommends cooking fish at a temperature of 350 degrees Fahrenheit. The dish should be ready in 45 to 50 minutes if you cook about three pounds of fish.

To check if your entire fish is ready, Falsini recommends that the spine pulling on the back of the fish. If the spine comes out, the fish are ready.

Then just remove the body with a spoon and finish some olive oil, salt and fresh lemon juice. Dinner is offered!

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