How can three -dimensional printed metal materials a revolution in reducing noise

Links table
Abstract and 1 introduction
2 cell design unit and analysis
3 experimental descriptions and cell cell
4 AM Labyrinthine
4.1 The design and manufacture of the painting
4.2 FE model AM
4.3 AM Description of the board
4.4 AM The results of the painting of the painting
5 numerical evaluation of the various solutions of the maze’s sound absorption board
5.1 MacROCell with support cavity
5.2 Results
Conclusions, estimates and references
The first appendix
In this work, we have provided an experimental guide to the concept on a new approach to relieving noise that exploits a rainbow design using unjustly adjacent materials and combining UCS with changing thickness and side size in arranging semi -periods that ensure good homogeneity in the plate. We have described the design and full health verification procedure, from the numerical design and UC modeling to its description in the Disorder tube, to the design of the composition of the painting, and its achievement using selective laser dressing. The final structure is then experimental in a small resonance room, which indicates that the perfect absorption on the target low frequency scale, centered in 1 kHz, thus verifying the validity of the approach. Finally, the detailed FE simulations allowed the evaluation of possible improvements/modifications to the plate by adding foam filling and foam support cavity. The proposed initial model can be developed, thanks to its standard design, it can be used in various applications, for example in the audio room, in car parts, or general flying. This approach, along with other solutions based on the proposed materials in the literature, contributes to an alternative (or complementary) path to use traditional sound absorption materials to control noise. The proposed solution can be especially attractive due to the relatively low thickness of the panels and the relatively small density of the required parts of nature of the wavelength of the maze material used in the design.
Thanks and appreciation
Fn, VHK, LB, EM, DP, MZ, ASG, LS, FB, thanks for the Alta Scuola Politecnica project. FN, ASG, NMP and FB are supported by Eu H2020 Fet Open “Bohem” Grant No. 863179.
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(1) F. nistri, Department of Applied Science and Technology, Politecnico Di Torino, Turin, Italy, Politecnico Di Milano, Milan, Italy;
(2) VH Kamrul, Politecnico Di Milano, Milan, Italy;
(3) L. Bettini, politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy;
(4) E. Musso, Politecnico Di Milano, Milan, Italy;
(5) D. Piciucco, politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy;
(6) M. Zamello, Politecnico Di Milano, Milan, Italy;
(7) In its capacity Gliozzi, Department of Applied Science and Technology, Politecnico di Torino, Turin, Italy;
(8) Ao Krushynska, College of Science and Engineering, University of Gronengen, Grungen, Netherlands;
(9) NM PUGNO, Biomedical Laboratory, Bionic, Nano, Meta Mateials & Mechanic, University of Tinto, Trento, Italy, College of Engineering and Materials Science, Queen Mary University in London, UK;
(10) L. Sangiuliano, SRL, Milan, Italy;
(11) L. Shtrepi, “Galileo Ferraris”, Politecnico Di Torino, Turin, Italy;
(12) F. Bosia, Department of Applied Science and Technology, Politecnico Di Torino, Turin, Italy and author against ([email protected]).