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Hoskinson from Cardano interacts with Hack Crypto Bybit

Charles Hoskinson, the founder of Cardano and co -founder of Ethereum, recently criticized Ethereum after violating the great security that was presented by Bypticancy bybit.

The penetration resulted in a loss of more than $ 1.4 billion of encryption assets, including 401,347 ether and various ether symbols.

In response to Arthur Hayes’s proposal to the possible ETHEREUM decline in the processing processing, Hoskinson “Ethereum Classic” books.

Ethereum was previously described as a “garbage fire” and compared its potential decrease with early Internet platforms such as Myspace and Netscape, indicating that the current ETHEREUM path can lead to statute of limitations.


Hoskinson takes from Cardano Jab in Ethereum Stokeing

Hoskinson also suggested that Ethereum may eventually migrate to Cardano, highlighting the capabilities of Cardano to present a more efficient and developed platform with a higher liquidity and a broader user base.

This perspective emphasizes his belief in Kardano’s ability to address the issues he sees within the ETHEREUM framework.

Bybit Lazarus Hack

On Friday, Bybit suffered a huge security breach, which led to a loss of about $ 1.4 billion of ETHEREUM (ETH) and other symbols.

After exploitation, about $ 200 million from Steth was transferred to ETH in the open market, which increased concerns about the size of the attack and its potential impact on the broader ecosystem.

Blockchain Intelligence Arkham Intelligence has identified the North Korean Pirates collection as the perpetrators behind the attack. Zackxbt, Crypto analyst, provided detailed evidence linking Lazarus to the accident, and the exchange of results he reached at 7:09 pm UTC on Friday.


BYBIT CEO invites the latest infection of penetration

Its analysis includes test transactions, associated portfolios, legal graphic fees and timing patterns that show how the breach is executed. Arkham Intelligence confirmed that this guide was sent to the BYBIT security team to help achieve it.

In response to the crisis, the CEO of BYBIT Ben Zhou confirmed to users that clouds have been entirely resumed.

Highlighting the unprecedented level of withdrawal activity after the attack, Zhu revealed that bybit has treated more than 350,000 withdrawal requests within hours.

Despite the severity of the breach, Zhu stressed that all BYBIT jobs and services have been working. He praised the quick response to his team and its dedication and efforts around the clock to address the customer’s concerns and ensure the stability of the platform.

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