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Hoskinson criticizes the US International Development Agency for Books Support

The United States Development Agency (USAID) is currently fire, as US President Donald Trump and his advisor, Elon Musk, is carrying out his campaign to reduce bureaucratic costs.

According to reports, many projects risk losing financing and support, and thousands of jobs are now suspended in balance. However, the problems of the American Agency for International Development are ended here; The agency also faces criticism from the encryption community for its alleged doubtful financing to link a book Bitcoin To right -wing extremism.

The most recent character to target the agency is the founder of Cardano, Charles Hoskinson, who says it is financing projects to photograph cryptocurrencies as a tool for “right -wing extremism”.

Hoskinson shared his ideas on the role of the US Potential International Development Agency, describing the current situation as “garbage” and admits that he feels frustrated by the current stream Disturbing information online It happens these days.

Financing the US Agency for International Development in the spotlight

Hoskinson was established against the agency from a position by WikiLeaks on February 10. According to The Post, David Gulumbia, author of the book “Cyberlibertarism: The Wing Wing Politics of Digital Technology”, received about $ 80,000 in government grants.

Gulombia was the author of “Bitcoin Policy: Software as a Right Perfume”.

These books are funded by before UsaidLinks are found between Bitcoin and right -wing ideologies. Books are now a reading list for college chapters at Duke University and the University of Southern California.

Some critics immediately turned this revelation from WikiLeaks, as they asked whether these institutions had achieved these books before seeing the printing.

Hoskinson condemns negative advertising against. Bitcoin

Hoskison is one of the main characters who was defending Bitcoin and Bolockchain against negative propaganda. He explains that bitcoin works as a central and decentralized financial system and does not fit with any specific political system. The Power of Attorney has exploded to clarify that Bitcoin is a tool Right -wing extremismIt is described by the “garbage argument”.

BTCUSD trading at $97,797 on the daily chart:

Other supporters of Bitcoin and Blockchain have continued to constantly counter arguments, saying that propaganda aims to enhance economic freedom and financial integration. Many encryption supporters say advertising reduces the contributions of decentralized technologies such as bitcoin.

The BTC price is still defeated

Like the American Agency for International Development, Bitcoin has been in the spotlight in recent times, and the continuation of its side prices. Near 100 thousand dollars level. The higher digital assets that exceed 97 thousand dollars, which show their flexibility amid political noise and economic policy.

Based on the current market dynamics, market participants appear to be awaiting another group of drivers who can pay the main encryption price above $ 100,000.

Also, other countries pay encryption regulations and create reserves. Recently, Japan has announced that it has amended its regulations, with plans to classify encrypted currency assets as financial products.

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