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Scientific simulation that is driven by artificial intelligence of cities and industry: startups for the year 2024, Simzro

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Simzzro He was nominated at the annual start -up companies in Hackernoon in research and machine learning and AR/VR.

This is why we deserve your voice:

Meet Simzzro

We are a deep technology that integrates artificial intelligence, physics and mathematical methods to create a unified solution that provides artificial virtual models Repeated reality in the actual time.

With the ability to add the scientific easily Fresh event predictions Or a high degree of accuracy Virtual experimentsWe enable companies to develop innovative products that can transform urban planning, improve industrial efficiency, enhance infrastructure flexibility in facing climate change, and pushing more intelligent and more sustainable cities and industries.

Simzero product simplifies scientific simulations through API cloudDealing with main tasks smoothly such as the conclusion of simulation results, post -processing processing on site, and managing developed applications. The articles of flexibility are designed, and it is open to third -party models, allowing users to combine their simulations that AI moves through digital twins, XR, web applications, Internet of Things platforms, and robots. These companies can obtain deeper visions, accelerate innovation, and enhance decisions in the data -based scene today.

Based on this technology, we are applying to push the technical status in complex physics through data -based artificial intelligence models, focusing on delivering rapid results. Our technology is unified and compatible with AI- The dynamics of calculations (CFD), including OpenFOAM®, and will soon support the tracking of particles and chemical reaction simulation, with open source examples of users.

Simzzro’s development

Simzro’s journey was exciting and difficult from the start. We had a clear vision, but converting it into a viable business was a great challenge that we overcame it by combining our experience as scholars with guidance from The acceleration program and Founders Center. We have devoted a lot of time to research and develop our technology to put ourselves as a reliable option and promise to our customers, which helped them save time and money while enabling solutions that were impossible one day. Once we achieved this goal, we acquired the attention of our first customers, who have brought new challenges to our technology testing and pay additional research efforts.

The user’s notes were essential. On the one hand, we were allowed to do so Clear our technologyImplement the main features that simplify their use and improved user experience. On the other hand, this helped us determine the needs of the market, which prompted us to expand our API integration to other platforms and tools.

How did Simzzro move from research to the market?

The transition from an idea that relies on research to a product suitable for the market was not easy. With more than a decade of experience as research scientists, we strongly believed in the potential of our solution. But early, without completing MVP or standards, it was difficult to communicate our vision. Some questioned whether this two -person team can pull it; Others did not get to know the value at that stage. Given Understanding in a project moved by research at an early stageInvestment insurance was neither easy nor grave.

Therefore, we took things in our hands. The only viable track was to build the product ourselves, using our own resources, until we reached a point where us the user’s notes could direct us. We have polished our vision to focus on developing basic technology with the largest impact on customers. This process took a year and a half, but it is equipped with us with a solid basis The light movement in the face of future challenges. When we gain traction, we expand the Simzzro strategic range to pay the accreditation of huge controls.

Milestones and achievements

Along our journey, we achieved the following landmarks:

  • It was chosen by Lanzadra Accessrator and Microsoft for the Emerging Corporate Foundation Center.
  • It has developed a research -based product using AGLE styles and paved it up to the suitable market market.
  • Incorporated Simulation Zero, SL to market Simzero and expand other innovative technological initiatives.
  • Cooperation with research centers such as the Barcelona SuperCEMENTING Center (BSC), and securing many paid customers, including large companies and sabotage companies.
  • He won the open call of the Spirit in the European Union 1 due to the exaggeration of the DEutsche Telekom T-Cystems as our sponsorship, to simulate the project to enhance the distance attendance (the site).

The lessons learned

We highlight three main lessons learned during the process of making our starting start profitable and innovative:

  • If you are building something annoying, be ready to refuse: innovation often means challenging the current situation, and everyone will not see the value in seeing you from the beginning.
  • Determine the startup task and use it as a beacon to make decisions: a clear task that you and your team and helps to align each decision with your basic values ​​and goals.
  • Don’t only follow the lessons or advice of others; Think yourself and create your own way: the lessons that others learn through their unique context, the team and timing are formed. Although it may be risky, doing things differently and confidence in your instincts is the key to success. (And yes, so that this lesson is invalidated for others!)

What do startups for this year mean to us

Our unexpected candidacy by Hackernoon has given us a moment to think about the features we have achieved so far. Winning the Emerging Companies Award for the year will be an incredible achievement, which gives us valuable recognition and clearly as we continue to develop tools Helping cities and industries to adapt to future challenges With science and technology. We have built a sophisticated solution to the Science and Industry Bridge, but we need your support to make a greater impact.


Simzero helps companies, researchers and cities to apply leading scientific knowledge in actual time, resolving challenges in the real world and leading innovation for a more sustainable future. If you believe in the power of science and technology to form a better future, vote for Simzzro and help us continue our innovation journey!

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