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Happy Gilmore 2 can be the first comedy supplement that does not absorb

The notorious comedy continues to lose the mark, and it often feels like the food heated residue of a classic dish that does not taste the same time. but Saeed Gilmour 2 It can be the one who breaks a curse. Adam Sandler’s masterpiece in 1996 is one of the most involved sporty comedy ever, and that the idea of ​​completion must send alarm bells. But the stranger, this one feels different.

The film really begins in a sweet, but a promising note: Jeddah Saeed died. Although this may seem like a loss, it gives the film something that the original had no emotional risks. gold! the first Saeed Gilmour Everything was about happiness in an attempt to save her home. Now, with her departure, what does he pay? A snapshot in redemption? The last round of greatness? It immediately gives a continuation of the presence of beyond nostalgia. We have the purpose, people.

He shot a wagle.

The shooter is still alive. The famous Christopher McDonald was a 30 -year -old sewn. Perhaps it was a ghoul washing, and it may be the legend of a major tour, or perhaps the same old tingling, ultimately desperate in its place. His participation alone deserves the price of admission.

Then we have John Dali. The Real-Life Happy Gilmore, Dale is naturally suitable for sequel. Large drives, larger personal, and type of serious smoking energy, and drinking beer, which make happiness legend in the first place.

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If Dali plays himself (or some exaggerated version of himself), it may be comedic gold.

Julie Bowen returnedAnd let us be honest, it is still an absolute luster. The original Virginia Venit was a perfect mix of sweet, supportive and shameful. Her vision and happy transmit life after 30 years, whether it is a long -term couple or ancient flame tongues, adds another interesting layer to the story. In fact, a miracle is still in 2025.

And of course, Adam Sandler himself. Thirty years later, one of the most beloved comedians in the game is still. Unlike many comedy stars in the 1990s who faded in the inactivity, Sandler still sells the squares, and still deals with huge deals of Netflix, and still proves that he got it. If anyone can offer a comedy supplement that does not absorb, then it is.

Saeed Gilmour 2 He has the ingredients to be an exception to the base. Whether it receives another story, but for one time, there is a reason for belief. Watch the trailer below.

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