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Hackernoon 2024 coded: Celebrate our programming community!

Programming was not just a skill; Your great strength was

Are you a GitHub branch? Cause we’re trying to merge with you <3

If this is the upper technical category, then you are among 27.57 % of readers Those who talk about the code fluently and know that programming is not only related to the lines of the text – it relates to solving problems (and sometimes creating new problems).

Dive into Hackernoon 2024 decoding – Create your data on your profile page now!

Most programming stories read

Here are the 10 best programming stories for 2024:

  1. How to deal with complexity when designing software systems by aleksei
  2. Using Firebase Approach with the latest features.js from Amadeusz Winogrodzki
  3. Architectural institutions for startups: translation of business into technology by Pavel Grishin
  4. Dynamodb Liquidation Incritations using SQL on RockSet by RockSet
  5. Flexible strategies in the real world for Fintech projects by Dmitriii Pakhomov
  6. A detailed sequence guide
  7. The principle of dependence on the dependency in Go: What is and how to use it by Kirill Parasotchenko
  8. Mastering the Safe Setter Json in Typescript by Maksim ZEMSKOV
  9. Understand the factory style in C# – with examples by Dev Leader
  10. Chatgpt in Test Design: How to simplify quality guarantee operations by Artem Tregub

Top 10 programming readers

These readers were unable to get enough programming content:

  1. @hacker4400460
  2. Nikolai Michin
  3. Bart
  4. Ericab
  5. Quebica
  6. @hacker-cm4ubmcwz0004bz0f8c3t3ksi
  7. srfrog
  8. fla
  9. @hackerclo31ohp80036sd6hc4shq
  10. @Hacker9613419

Top 10 programming writers

These abundant writers produced our content scene:

  1. Dave leader
  2. Maximiliano Control
  3. Sukhpinder Singh
  4. Madza
  5. Luca Liu
  6. Writings, papers and blogs on text models
  7. Nicholas Frankel
  8. Mescius Inc.
  9. Escholar: Electronic academic papers for scientists
  10. vaibhav

Take advantage of this summary and catch up with some of the most read stories, subscribe to your favorite book, or start writing yourself-try this writing template. You can also make this list next year!

Thank you, Hacker!

We want to stop a moment to thank you for your continuous support and choose Hackernoon as your platform on all technical things. Your participation, reactions and passion helped share knowledge in making Hackernoon what it is today. We are grateful for your presence as part of this amazing society, and we cannot wait to find out what you will achieve with us in 2025 and beyond!

Dive into Hackernoon 2024 decoding – Create your data on your profile page now!

Hakiron happy decipher!

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