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Golden Globe will not pay members of the voting with a salary of $ 75,000

  • Golden Globes will not pay a $ 75,000 salary for voting members.
  • A Golden Globes spokesman said he had changed to prevent the perception of bias.
  • Other major prizes such as Oscar and Amy Awards do not pay voters with a salary.

Voters who decided to have films and TV programs would have received Golden Globe for years in exchange for their service.

Not anymore.

Helen Huaeh, President of Golden Globe, told the fifty members affected by the decision to call for enlargement on Friday that they no longer get their annual salary of $ 75,000, Los Angeles Times mentioned.

A spokesman for Golden Globes confirmed the decision of Business Insider. “Golden Globe describes the change in politics as an acknowledgment that continuing to push members can add to the perception of bias in the vote,” the spokesman said.

The fifty voting members who were receiving salary payments were former members of the Hollywood Association for Press Foreigners, a non -profit group of entertainment journalists who built Golden Globe in the strength of major awards, competitors even for the Oscars.

However, after a series of scandals in 2021 it shook HFPA, causing NBC to withdraw from Golden Globes from the air, Hollywood Media Penske Eldridge captured the group and turned Golden Globes into a profitable entity. The program returned to television in 2023.

The spokesperson said that the Golden Globes votes are now up to 300 and consisting of entertainment journalists from 85 countries.

Other famous Hollywood Awards, such as the Academy Awards, EMMYS, and Grammy, do not pay their voting members with a salary.

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