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Gamestop hints in future bitcoin purchases after the approval of the Board of Directors

Gamestop Corporation (GME) is said to be a video gaming trader that has turned into Memecoin shares, moved to investing in Bitcoin after the Board of Directors unanimously agreed to a plan to acquire digital assets.

According to To the March 25 report, the company announced that it will use part of its cash or future debt exports to invest in Bitcoin (BTC) and Stablecoins-dollar.

The plan was more confirmed by the profit report in the fourth quarter of the company, which was released on March 25 and showed the intention to obtain Bitcoin and Stablecoins.

“[T]The investment policy of the company allows the company to invest in some encrypted currency assets, including the stable metal currencies that were reincarnated in the US dollar, “as stated in the financial statement.

Gamestop cash reserves amounted to more than $ 4.77 billion as of February 1, compared to only 921.7 million dollars one year ago.

The retailer of video games recorded $ 1.283 billion in net sales during the fourth quarter and $ 3.823 billion in the fiscal year 2024.


Gamestop’s quarterly financial statements. source: Gamestop

Related to: Gamestop Buying Bitcoin “Bakes of pasta” from Trafi: Swan Exec

This is a developing story, and more information will be added when available.