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Four suspects accused of the domestic invasion of Amouanth currents

Four of the suspects have been charged with the Londer Online AMOUNTH home invasion, and its real name is Kaitlyn Siragusa. The sign says it has been hated at the threat of weapons by many individuals who are demanding the delivery of private keys to their encryption.

according to Fox 26Among the suspects are Dylan Nishu Campbell, Brian Anthony Salazar Guerrero and two suspects at the age of 16-17.

Campbell and Jeriro were accused of kidnapping and strict theft with a fatal weapon, as was the 17 -year -old suspect.

Sergosa stated that many armed individuals entered her home late at night on March 2, beat her, and grabbed her at gunpoint, demanding an encrypted currency.


source: Amuranth

Fortunately, her husband was on the loudspeaker, which the gunmen took in an attempt to reach an encryption application. After he was alerted to the situation, he grabbed a pistol while trying to measure as the armed men were at home.

He drove the banner online the attackers all over the house and persuaded them to start searching for a cool storage device.

While the armed thieves were looking for the device, Seragosa ran on the upper floor of her husband, who was also watching the situation revealing the network of cameras at home.

Once she was safely on the upper floor, her husband fired three rounds to the attackers, one who will shoot one in this operation before the invaders retreat at home and the law application reached the scene of the accident.


Sirgosa’s husband later revealed that he was publishing from her account as the accident was revealed. source: Amuranth

The banner previously revealed that it had held nearly 211 Bitcoin, with a value of more than $ 20 million in November 2024, to followers online – making it a target of armed theft.

Related to: The UK allows the accusation against the NCA officer to steal the alleged Bitcoin

Steps to encryption and extortion in a height

The accident is just the latest in a series of kidnappings and armed theft that aims to encrypts.

In January 2025, a UK court sentenced seven gang members for the kidnapping of an investor of encryption and extortion, which was repeatedly attacked and coerced to deliver money over several months.

During this same month, it appeared that the founder of Ledger David Balind was kidnapped in France and was held in an encrypted ransom before it was saved by law enforcement.

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