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Fake Tikila: What is and how to discover it

A pause that the song “Tikila”. Fake Tikila is not a joke in the manufacture of very profitable drinks today and you can drink it now. While the whiskey is the most popular spirit of the fraudulent risks due to its high global demand, the fake Tikila that enters the main markets is high.

According to ABC Investigation from 2018, fake Tequilas enter the market and is served as home spirits in bars and bars. It is also sold in independent alcohol stores throughout the country. The wool even goes to the extent of one Ragge operator creates souls by mixing raw ethanol and flavors.

It gets worse with the fake fake with high -tech who use advanced techniques to repeat the packaging and even the taste of real brands.

So the question is, how do you say the difference between the real Tikila and the fake tickle?

We have arrived at a Tikila expert in Australia and the general manager of the Zawiya house, Brett Harris, to tell us about his secrets to discover a fake Tikila from one mile. His installed techniques will surprise you.

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How to have a fake dock up to the shelves

Unlike the recent reports, the fake Tikila has been present for a long time.

“Six years or more, we had in my old place just to show people the difference,” says Harris.

We have laws now in line with the Mexicans. Health associated is that fake ticella cannot be a “tikila” written on the bottle. “

According to the reports and Harris special experience, a lot of fake accuracy is dominated locally, then distributed or made outside and then imports it to where the large Tikila markets are located.

Among the people who were made in Australia, Harris says which none of them has young – the main ingredient of the real Teekilla.

“Perhaps aloe vera syrup or flavor,” explains Harris.

While the real Tikila needs to be 100 % microscopic, the non -exaggerated Tikila can also be mobilized outside Mexico. The latter can express 51 % properties of aloe vera sugar and 49 % of any other type of sugar. According to Harris, it is a “many people” to do.

Why happens

The simple answer, as with all fake things, is money and directions. “People see the markets to exploit and this is anything with alcohol now,” says Harris.

He adds that excellent accommodation is also the one that pays fake in the market. A closer analysis of social drinking trends will reveal that Tikila was in the sun, then whiskey and now the jinn’s role in ascending. With the presence of Tequila on the brink of recovery, Harris says that Savvy customers have now started entering the brand association, and this makes it profitable for other makers.

The economic impact of the fake Tickla extends beyond the consumer deception. according to Euromonitor SearchUp to 26 % of all alcoholic drinks in the world illegal, as fake lives cost the European Union alone that is estimated 3 billion euros Every year. This wide -ranging forgery not only leads to huge losses in revenue for legal producers, but also leads to great losses in jobs in the authentic life industry, which affects everyone from young farmers to a skilled distillation.

“With the Internet now, you have a little attention to something and you can know everything about the brand you want. People are legally weighing for Fortalisa and Ocho Tikila. People know.”

How to discover the difference between the real and fake Tikila

Photo: Tequilainterchandroject

If you are on the market for decent Tikila, you need to know these tips and tricks before dropping your money on something that is likely to be harmful. Here are some Harris tips.

Some people have come to accuse some TEQUILA brands of being fake online.

Casamigos is one brand that has definitely faced a lot of heat. In this viral Tiktok videoA waiter in Mexico bearing the name Casamigos, Tikila, because it does not spend much time in the barrel like some other ticks. Others accused her of not being soft, containing a lot of alcohol, using additions, and the exaggerated price is made. While all of these reasons may affect your decisions to buy the brand, it does not make it fake from Tikila.

What is particularly raised is the health risks associated with fake ticks. Unlike legal producers who must adhere to strict quality control measures, fake taklla manufacturers often work without any supervision. This led to many cases of methanol, with one of the most severe accidents that occur in Indonesia in 2018, where it ended 100 deaths It was reported in just a few months. Methanol is often used because it is cheaper than ethanol, but it is very toxic and can cause symptoms ranging from headaches, dizziness and nausea to more severe results such as coma or death.

However, in another Viral Tiktok VideoThe man who claims to have been in the alcohol industry for more than four years, carefully indicated that drinks that do not say 100 % of aloe vera on the label are only “Tequila” and barely Tequila. He also referred to some bottles of Jose Koyvo while giving the statement, until you get the idea.

Beware of naming TEQUILA mixed locally

This means mainly that the soul is made locally of imported ingredients. TEQUILA RAL has a original sect on the sticker like champagne. The real tequila should also be from Mexico and should be from some countries as well. Look for doubtful stickers such as “Te-Quila” because they are not real.

Harris says fictitious Tikilas has limited information on the back of the poster.

“Fake tequilas like Chiapas, it seems that it has not come out of the eighties. Coloring stickers, letters.”

On the real Tequilas sticker, you will find two basic features:

  • You should say “100 % aloe vera”
  • You should say “made and packed in Mexico”

Learn about your sect numbers

Harris explains: “All the real Tikila has a sect of the original where the distillation number has its own number,” Harris explains.

It recommends obtaining an application called Tikila is a fancy maker Which allows users to know Tequila by entering his name or nom number. The application will show you what brands are made in this distillation and more.

While the whiskey has often copied bottle designs, Harris says this is not the case for Tekilas because it is easy to make its bottles similar. Instead, he says to find other visual signals in the same liquid.

The visual sermon to determine the health of the tick

The fake Tikila often displays a clear liquid. This is related to the liquid wife.

“This fake looks like vodka,” says Harris.

A waiter test that you can do on your own is called a pearl.

  • Get the bottle and put it on the side
  • He shook it strongly and the small bubbles should be loud
  • If you get a 100 % aloe vera tickel and do so next to vodka, you will see the difference – the pearls (bubbles) will remain there because of the wife of the heavier and the other will dissipate because it is all alcohol

It can determine the fake tequila taste

Harris says the smell is more difficult because it depends on the place where you are making and there are many different tastes.

For the ordinary person, I am looking for the taste of sweet cooked aloe vera in a real tikila. Tequila from Up in the Highlands is a different taste from something in the valley where Cuervo is produced.

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