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F-16s spread in Greenland even with Trump’s anxiety ambitions

  • The United States flew to Greenland to put force after the discovery of Russian aircraft in the Arctic.
  • The United States and Greenland continue their usual agreement to be in the Arctic.
  • Tensions are high as President Trump continues to pressure his desire to buy Greenland.

F-16 combat aircraft flew to Greenland earlier this week, while highlighting the role of long independent lands in supporting the defense in North America, even when the new administration holds new ambitions.

Currently, an extraordinary time between the United States and Denmark, a long American ally, has long been continuing President Donald Trump to proceed with the aspirations of Greenland. Marco Rubio, the newly confirmed foreign minister, says he is serious.

the North America space defense leadership On Thursday, it confirmed that it had watched the activity of multiple Russian military aircraft in the Arctic earlier this week. The plane remained in the international airspace and was not considered a threat, but as part of its defensive mission, NORAD regularly defends periodic planes to monitor these cases.

Patrols – one of the Canadian Al -Nurmad area and the other from the Nourad Alaska region – were sent to track the activity. The Canadian patrol consisted of the Canadian CF-18S and KC-135 aircraft for fuel, while Alaska’s patrol included an American F-35S, one E-3, and two KC-135 aircraft for fuel.

After several hours of those patrols, Norad “two parties to Alaska to Greenland were sent to Greenland to make its usual agreement with Greenland to redirect the presence of Norm in the activity.” The matter said that the transmission was not a response to any current threat.

A plane with NORAD dual leadership is spreading regularly to the Pituffik space base on the western end of North Greenland. Public Affairs said that these aircraft “support many NORAD activities for a long time with our allies and partners, and build on long defensive cooperation between the United States, Canada and the Kingdom of Denmark.”

Donald Trump

Trump’s desire to obtain Greenland has raised concerns with the Arctic Island, Denmark and European allies.

Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images

The routine activity highlights that Greenland is not just a land; It is part of a strategic partnership.

In recent months, President Donald Trump has repeatedly expressed interest in the United States’ acquisition of Greenland, a Danish region that defines the self. He called the island, which is rich in natural resources, “is very necessary”, and has suggested even using force or coercion to bring it under the control of the United States.

Trump’s comments were met with Greenland with a wide range of responses and confusion, especially with Greenland’s partners and American partners in Europe, but on Thursday, US Secretary of State Rubio said on Thursday that Megan Kelly’s offer on Siriusxm, Trump’s desire to obtain the island “is not joke”.

“This is not a matter of obtaining land for the purpose of obtaining lands. This is in our national interest, and it must be resolved,” he said.

Besides its natural resources, Greenland is also located in a place in the growing strategic competition: Arctic. It can support the position of American power in the Arctic, facilitating monitoring and facing Chinese aspirations and Russia in the region. China is a decisive factor in Trump’s position on Panama also.

In response to Rubio’s comments on Trump’s ambitions, Danish Foreign Minister Lars Lukik Rasmussen said on Friday, “I will be surprised more if he says it is a joke,” for everyone. Danish General Announcer TV2. “We do not have an interest in selling Greenland to the United States, and this will not happen.”

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