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Exposing the hidden costs to control data: Why transparency and education is your best defense


(1) Angelika Sophia Valerian, IT ethics, Politinio de Milan, Milan, Italy.

1 introduction

2 The new Empire for Capital Control

3 targeted advertisement

4 Military Technology and Politics

5 Focus on moral frameworks

5.1 Paid framework

5.2 Ethics framework

5.3 The direct comparison between utilitarianism and ethics

6 conclusions, recognition, and references

6 conclusions

This analysis has caused important conclusions. In both tires, we saw how important the aspect of consciousness is, even if it is in front of various issues, according to the specific moral framework. Another important point is raised, taking into account the first scenario, which is that the less harmful and “innocent” work, which means not harmful, such as the targeted advertisement, can be considered very annoying and at all less dangerous than forms of control more clear. It can be considered a form of infiltration in the utilitarian framework, or perhaps, or controversial in the Kantian frame, but in both cases it needs to control and normalize it.

It is extremely important for the research to go today in the direction of making the data unknown in order to allow business analysts to profit from it because it means that people are sensitive to the subjects of privacy, independence and monitoring and that commercial benefits for one day and continues luxury, increasing business, can be derived in full respect for man. The most important thing is to make them able to protect rights. Looking at the second scenario, the last point that was raised was the importance of social and national security, along with the tendency of manipulation that could derive from having important means such as those. In this case, social education would prevent the improper use of the control that can be applied and achieve the Kantian framework in contradiction, taking into account that the inappropriate behaviors are always possible and the goal is the goal of reducing injustice.

While privacy, independence and monitoring issues have been present for a long time, they have become more urgent in recent years due to the increase in the number of personal data collected and analyzed by companies and governments. As technological progress continues, the possibility of misuse of this data becomes greater, and it is necessary to take steps to protect individual rights and freedoms. One possible solution is to increase transparency and accountability in data collection and use. This can be achieved through measures such as not detecting data identity, which allows analysts to work with collected data without prejudice to individual users’ privacy. In addition, regulations such as the Public Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in Europe and the Consumer Consumer Privacy Law (CCPA) in the United States aims to give individuals greater control over their personal data and require companies to be more transparent about their data practices. Another important consideration is the role of education in enhancing the use of responsible data. This not only includes educating the general public about their rights and how to protect their privacy, but also providing training for professionals in areas such as data science, who need to be aware of the moral effects of their work. By promoting the culture of using responsible data and creating incentives for companies and governments to determine the priorities of individual rights, we can work for a future where technology is used for the benefit of society as a whole, instead of just a few strong actors.

In conclusion, the issues raised in this article highlighting the complex moral considerations that arise in the context of using data and controlling them. Although there is no easy solution to these challenges, it is clear that we need to give priority to individual rights and work for more transparency, accountability and education in order to reduce the possibility of abuse and strengthen a more fair society. Capitalization of monitoring raises important ethical questions that must be carefully considered in the context of advanced technology and changing social norms. By examining the phenomenon from the multiple ethical frameworks and examples in the real world, researchers and practitioners can obtain a more comprehensive understanding of the complex complications concerned.

Thanks and appreciation

I would like to thank Professor Viola Shavonati for its support for developing this work, giving food to ideas and increasing awareness of many moral issues related to the IT profession.

Computer ethics also allows us to consider the views and values ​​of various stakeholders, including users, societies and society as a whole. This helps to ensure the compatibility of our research and our practice with broader moral and social considerations, and can contribute to positive social and environmental results. Moreover, it enhances the development of a culture of moral responsibility and professional efficiency in the technology sector. By emphasizing the importance of making moral decisions and accountability, we can help create a more just and fair society as it serves public good technology.

I think this awareness is necessary to improve us as engineers.


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