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Everyone talks about artificial intelligence agents, but a few understand them – here you should know

It seems that artificial intelligence agents everywhere, according to the amount of the mind they absorb. However, despite all the talk about the agent robots that permeate the Crypto Twitter and Telegram, Talk is not automatically associated with use. Despite the interest in artificial intelligence employees who suffer from height in the sky, he was surprised by the use of the use of a few traders already.

Although every excitement about agents is understandable, with their promise to automate and strengthen each element on the onchain trading, a lot of chat is inaccurate – because everyone talks about something he has not experienced before. As a result, awareness of factors was not ever, but their knowledge is still frustrated. Let’s see whether we can fix this and dispel a few myths around artificial intelligence agents in this process.

What is in the agent?

Independent artificial intelligence factors are software entities capable of carrying out tasks with the least amount of human control. On the practical level, these independent programs can evaluate risk, analysis of Onchain data, and improve investment strategies. Think about them as self -driving cars that travel in Blockchain networks where Defi is done.

While the compounds themselves – our artificial intelligence agents – are impressive, the basic frameworks that work as an engine and structure, ensuring effective trips across digital terrain. Frameworks such as, AI16zdao and ARC are provided for developers specialized tools, libraries and components pre -created so that they can focus on logic rather than re -invent the wheel.

These frameworks can be designed with specific chain requirements or programming languages. For example, the agent may independently balance liquidity pools on one network, then switch to smart contracts to another, all using the same basic frame.

Also read: Best Cryptos Ai Agent in 2025

What can the agent do?

The list of possible tasks that can be set to the agent grows every day. Agents can analyze market trends, implement trading under strict criteria, improve return cultivation strategies, or even search for the Onchain scene for suspicious activity. They can manage moderate societies and forums, create content and create performance reports.

Since these frameworks deal with the heavy lifting of the code, they liberate the developers to follow the innovative ways of artificial intelligence agents to interact with the broader ecosystem for encryption. The “correct” frame depends entirely on the specific needs of the project, such as choosing the perfect engine for the installed car.

As for what these agents can do by simply spreading it in the wild, there are just a few cases of use:

  • risk assessment: Evaluating market conditions and mitigating financial or security threats.
  • Onchain data analysis: Decode the vast stream of Blockchain transactions and intensify it in parts of the size of the human bite. (This is what a lot of memecoins publishes on X currently.)
  • Improving investment strategies: Set the portfolio to take advantage of emerging opportunities such as the largest return or new financial products.

All of these factors can be strengthened by platforms such as Evaluation For performance results, artificial intelligence agents are responsible and promoting continuous improvement. This is a very useful tool for any ambitious worker, as an additional component of evaluation to distinguish the quality of agents. It is developed by Chromia, Eval Engine monitors the agent’s product over time, providing visions about long -term performance trends. This framework is likely to become widely with the adoption of agents.

This is about that, right? AI Agent Plus Framework = Independent Bot that can do anything you ask about? not quite. There is still one important component that we have not yet eaten. If the agent is the bitter driving car on its way over the Blockchain highways and the developer frame is its engine, what supplies it?

Artificial Intelligence Customer Account

The energy needed to operate these artificial intelligence agents exceeds the requirements of regular computing. Training of automated learning models or dealing with high -frequency transactions data requires enormous GPU because AI Agent Work frameworks require a large math strength to work effectively. Traditional central cloud service providers can be expensive and restricted. This is where there is no central to calculate the steps.

DePins like It has emerged as fuel that maintains all these agents. By providing access to a decentralized cloud that includes more than 300,000 unified graphics processing units across more than 130 countries, IO.NET provides the spinal spine that these frameworks need. Not only reducing costs not only reduces costs compared to large central service providers, but also guarantees the operation of artificial intelligence agents in an indisputable, controlling, censorship, in line with Blockchain basic principles.

Where is the next to the agents?

Artificial intelligence agent frameworks on the right path to become the actual operating system for independent and chain innovation. We quickly approach a future as smart agents can move smoothly over networks, each playing a specialized role in one coordinated strategy.

Artificial intelligence agents develop into comprehensive operating systems for agent (Agentos), providing a global basis for automation that artificial intelligence drives across industries. These frameworks will allow AI to bypass Blockchain restrictions, allowing smooth interaction across multiple networks.

At this stage, the vast majority of Defi users realize artificial intelligence agents and their capabilities. But a few of them have already tried them at work, without interacting with Agentic Twitterbots – and in some cases it can be discussed in the amount of artificial intelligence in this mix. However, this year will represent the first time that many merchants have broken their agents, and a robot has been published to care for tasks that they cannot do or unwilling to do.

It is very similar to deportation from the web governor to the TELGRAM Trading robots, they may find that once this decisive step is taken, they can never return. Last year, the agents were the future of Onchain trading. This year, this future is finally here.

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