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Phantom Simplehash is acquired to enhance NFT data tracking

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PHANTOM, a famous provider of unique, unique code services, got Simplehash, a symbolic data platform, to enhance the actual time tracking, non -applicable symbolic data, and market activity. This announcement led to immediate reactions in the market, as it witnessed the original distinguished symbol of Phantom, Van, an increase of 5.3 % from $ 1.13 to $ 1.19 during the first hour.

Phantom acquires Simplehash

On February 26 press releasePhantom confirmed that they had acquired Simplehash, a symbolic data platform. Under the acquisition, the Simplehash and Phantom teams will join the distinctive symbol data for Phantom users, ensuring a more accurate and high -performance wallet experience. In a short statement after the acquisition, Brandon Melman, CEO of Phantom, commented:

“By bringing Simplehash, we guarantee that PHANTOM users have the most accurate and comprehensive symbolism. Simplehash opens a completely new level of use of Phantom users.”

In turn, Wilson, the co -founder of Simplehash, commented:

“Joint Phantom allows us to expand our technology and bring in the distinctive code data and NFT is more powerful to millions of users. We are excited to pay the limits of what is possible to access the encryption data.”

Phantom was launched in 2021, and it is an provider of non -trustee symbolic wallet services and uncomfortable symbolism. NFT wallet was established in San Francisco, California, by Brandon Melman, Chris Kalani and Francesco Agost. Phantom is a wallet for encrypted symbols and non -encrypted symbols on Solana, Ethereum and Polygon. Phantom is a great encryption wallet and NFT wallet, especially because of the smooth user experience and easy options.

With regard to safety, Phantom is one of the most encrypted and safe symbolic portfolios. It contains improved features, including multiple support, hunting protection, NFT tools, and bonuses of up to 9 % on Solana. Phantom claims that he has more than 15 million active users per month and oversees 20 billion dollars in the annual swap volume and $ 25 billion of self -needs assets.

Phantom X Simplehash Integration

On the other hand, Simplehash is a platform for non -explosive market data specialized in infrastructure for the multi -exploitation and inquiring infrastructure. This actual leading code data platform provides comprehensive Blockchain visions. Support more than 80 chains with infrastructure that deals with thousands of requests per second, Simplehash has set the standard for avoiding symbolic data.

The symbolic platform is famous for offering prices in actual time, accurate historical data, and immediate updates on the series. These basic features of Phantom Nft users will help make informed decisions on their digital assets. Phantom expects to take advantage of Simplehash functions to give its users faster, richer and more reliable experience when interacting with their assets.

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