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Crypto Trends

Ethereum 1 $ 1.67 billion of DEFI fees collects

The data analysis platform on the series revealed that GrowThepie revealed that the ETHEREM LAYER 1 group has accumulated more than $ 1.67 billion of gas fees from Defi, which represents more than 30 % of all accumulated fees of all ecosystem Defi. The rule, the ZKSYNC era, and one definition are the chains that occupy the second, third and fourth places after ethereum, after accumulating $ 39.53 million, $ 37.69 million, and $ 34.60 million in Defi fee, respectively.

Also data Shown The ETHEREUM 1 layer still leads to the weekly Defi fee, accumulating a little more than one million dollars. The rule and the identification are the second and third chains in the weekly fees, accumulating more than 179,000 dollars and $ 22,000, respectively. The ethereum data platform highlighted the huge gap between Ethereum and other chains in terms of fees.

The series is still much lower than its daily levels recorded in May 2023 and March 2024. ETHEREUM has registered slightly more than $ 170,000 in DEFI fees as of February 15th, less than its highest levels of more than $ 11 million in May 2023. GrowThepie also highlighted that other chains have also decreased significantly, as most of the daily fees spread zero while some have managed to manage it only a few thousand dollars in the fees.

The data also revealed that the ETHEREUM CEFI transactions fees are much lower than the Defi fee, as CEFI fees at all stand more than $ 635 million. CEFI’s weekly transactions on the ETHEREUM 1 layer are still higher than the weekly DEFI fees on the chain, standing at more than $ 1.9 million from February 15.

The number of Defi transactions on the ETHEREUM 1 layer is lower than the base, the Zksync era, and the definition, which stands with more than 149 million transactions at all. Base has registered more than 352 million Defi transactions ever, while Zksync Era and Serbitrum One recorded more than 150 million and 155 million transactions, respectively.

Vitalik Buterin defends the hegemony of Ethereum Layer 1 in Defi

ETHEREUM co -founder Vitalik Buterin recently released a proposal to limit the ETHEREUM layer 1 10 times more amid the slowdown on the primary layer. Burin explained the need for more scaling to support more than 120 million ETHEREUM users per week. The co -founder of Ethereum added that the scaling will reduce the gas fees in Ethereum, improve the safety of the network, and provide Rollups’s support.

Burin also expressed concern about the potential censorship of layer 2, especially when the chains are crowded. The co -founder of Blockchain explained that the central series exacerbated the L2 censorship. The scaling proposal suggested the prolonged mechanisms that allow users to switch to the basic layer and complete transactions in the case of censorship. Burin emphasized that the mechanism will also allow huge exit events without paralyzing gas.

The proposal also suggested a constant increase in the boundaries of the basic layer gas in Ethereum. Burin pointed to the recent increase in gas limits from 30 million to 36 million. Ethereum co -founder still indicates problems that may come in the long run, including the difficulty of reducing the gas limit compared to increased limit.

Ethereum Layer 2 faces expansion problems

Borin’s proposal to expand the range of ETHEREUM 1 layer comes amid the chain conflicts of the second layer, including reducing gas fees and users. Data on the series revealed that Ethereum Layer 2 has decreased to less than 1 GWEI, which is the lowest level in 5 years. Low fees referred to the rhetorical activity on the chain on the chain layer 2.

A recent interview with Qiao Wang from Alliance Dao on PodCast Good Game open He lost confidence in Ethereum L2S capabilities. The co -co -founder of Alliance Dao highlighted that protocols were better to perform on other ETHEREM chains. Wang insisted that it would be wise for the constructive developers on Solana instead of Ethereum.

The co -founder of Alliance Dao still states that Blockchain’s expansion has been a problem despite its strong ecological system. Wang also explained that the current users were relying on the series because they were “for a long time.” The DEFI protocol official said the Blockchain issues led to its conversion to other options.

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