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EOS is subjected to a headline poisoning attack: What you need to know

Pyramids are masked at work.

Layer 1 Blockchain Network EOS was exposed to the address of the address, as the malignant actors sent small transactions using a wallet similar to user trick to send money to fraudulent accounts.

What is the attack by the title?

The title poisoning attack is a fraud where the attackers send small transactions using a fake wallet address that resembles its real addresses.

The goal of this is to “poison” the history of user transactions, which makes it likely to copy by mistake and paste the fraudulent address when performing future transfers.

According to Blockchain security company slowOn March 19, attackers sent 0.001 EOS transactions to users, hoping to deceive them to copy a fake, attackers.

These addresses closely mimulate those of the main exchanges, making it easy for reassuring users to fall for the fraud.

Slowmist noted that the attackers used names such as “OKTOTHEMONON” to impersonate the real OKX, “OKBTOTHEMONON” and “BinaneCleos” to imitate “BinanceCleos” from Binance.

The hidden disk can pass the dictation easily without anyone noticing it, especially by users who depend on previous transactions to enter the address.

As of the time of the press, no losses were reported.

However, these attacks are not limited to Blockchain networks alone, as bad actors often target individual merchants.

According to the analysis platform on the series Fraud processThe victims are still losing large sums by copying unintended poisoned titles.

On March 18, the user lost 103100 dollars after paste a fraudulent address from the date of his treatment.

One day ago, another merchant lost $ 43,674 in a similar attack.

Meanwhile, one of the largest losses of this attack carrier was reported in May last year, when bad actors stole 1,155 bitcoin wrapped from an individual user, worth more than $ 69.3 million at the time.

To avoid a victim of such attacks, experts advise the addresses of the double verification portfolio before sending money and addresses directly from the date of transactions.

EOS Vauulta Naming the brand

The attack on EOS comes at a time when the network is subjected to a major transformation, as Vauulta is renamed in an attempt to put itself as a leader in Web3 Banking.

According to a press statement on March 18, the transition is expected to be completed, which includes symbolic swap, by the end of May, although the schedule is still subject to change.

Yves La Rose, founder and director of the Vauta Corporation, stressed that the shift is “more than just changing the name”, as described by Vaulta as a result of “years of planning, strategic development and studied design.”

The price of EOS has increased by more than 25 % to $ 0.65 after the announcement of the brand rename, but it has decreased since then after the news of the attack appeared.

The development comes a day after the exploitation of Meme Coin Smart Bank Fourme for $ 120,000 on March 18.

The attackers have misused the security vulnerability to drain the money from the liquidity raption in the project.

Post EOS network, which was attacked by addresses: What you need to know first appeared on Invezz

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