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Ellen Pompeo says when her news broke out about her salary of $ 575,000-Gray Salary in Graiz, who is preparing to prepare for preparation

  • Ellen Bombo believed her annual salary of $ 20 million Gray Anatomy To be celebrated as a win at the equal wage, but it was warned before 2018 Hollywood Reporter The interview went on the air so that not everyone supports its success. Pompeo highlights the double standard in how to examine women’s profits compared to men, while emphasizing the importance of using their financial strength to raise others.

When Eileen Pompeo, Graiz star, confirmed that she was receiving the salaries of more than $ 20 for her work, and expressed her hope that she would be celebrated as evidence of the equal wage to Hollywood.

However, before Wonderful Hollywood An interview-which revealed Pompeo’s income of $ 575,000, in addition to a signature bonus of seven numbers and property rights points in the series, which is valued at $ 13 million-Pompeo has been warned by her director that she may not get positive reactions exclusively.

At that time, Pompeo told the correspondent that the deal was subjected to assuming its role in the individual role of the medical drama, which was named after her personality.

“I finally arrived at the place where I ask what I deserve,” Pompeo said at the time.

But in a modern podcast interview with Alex Coopers “Call her father”Pompeo reflected that she did not think about her success, her peers will not celebrate.

She explained: “My manager said at that time something that literally hit me like bricks. He said:” Are you ready to be inactive? “It was like:” I don’t want you to think everyone will enter you, clap for you, clap for you, and bend you, and I think you are the most points ever, because there are many people who are not happy for you. “

“This never happened to me … This was a good thing for me because it is true that it is not everyone – and I said other women [this] Publicly – just as it is difficult for people to celebrate others if they have something similar to something they want. “

Her feelings were echoed by Cooper, who was subject to scrutiny when it was revealed that she had fallen At least 60 million dollars To transfer its own podcasts from Barstool to Spotify.

Cooper once again occupied the headlines when its three-year deal with Spotify ended, and signed a $ 125 million deal with Siriusxm to bring in the growing media Evell-to the new platform.

“I don’t think I will relax at all with the number there,” Cooper said. “My first contract was leaked, I was … very proud that people know that it represents a lot. But then you get this wave of negativity, and I say it all the time … that men do not test this level of scrutiny when it comes to money.

“You have Jeff Bezos, Eileon and Trump, and all of these men get ridiculous money in front of our faces, and everyone believes that he is hot and strong. Then at the moment we get any of them – not even on the field, we confirm that there is a lot of conversation.

Pompeo added: “She is parental and she hates women.”

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Hollywood seems to be no different from other industries that have a gender wage gap – in 2019, study I found that, on average, female stars earn less than $ 1.1 million of participating stars with similar experience.

Pompeo was not only challenging the base by revealing its income, but it was also floundering the direction through its salaries as severely as a woman.

“What helps me is to get it out of that. When you earn a lot of money as a woman, let’s face it, so how can I get it out of that?

Pompeo added that she is not trying to control the reaction of others and instead focuses on “using your strength forever.”

The valuable backup of the data is also a lesson learned by Bombo and encouraged others to do the same.

She explained: “I don’t want anything I do not deserve, I do not want anything that I did not work with. CAA (Creative Arts Agency) printed a report … and they teach you exactly how the needle moves.

“I see exactly how much Gray’s anatomy made by ABC Disney, and I see the number. Then it is my face, my voice, I have done a lot [it] higher. I know that the offer led to a lot of money, and I definitely deserve a percentage of it. ”

“It is difficult for women to defend themselves in different differences and functions, because if they cannot contribute to the income of that company, it is difficult to fight for yourself and say that I deserve this.”

This story was originally shown on

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