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Crypto News

Efficient Bitcoin miner: Der Antminer S21 with speed of 200 TH/s

The Bitcoin mining market has become clearer, and Bitmain’s Antminer S21 has managed to reach a new level. With a single hashrate of up to 200 Terahashes per second (TH/s) these items are set at a new scale in the mining branch and feature one of the most powerful and efficient miners, which is a good thing indeed.

Easy installation and configuration

Einrichtung des Antminer S21 is not integrated and is not useful. This is what happens next Because Kapil Directly with its router. Dadurch is sofort in das Heim- oder Firmennetzwerk eingebunden. The configuration was created by a user Web browserInvasive software is not required. It can be run through flat devices and bypass settings and mining conditions well.

Energy and performance

This new version of the Antminer S21 is available EnergyEfficiencyThis can be done with a fixed roll. The innovative technology and optimized chips mastered by the miner are a perfect balance between power and hashing. It provides a free and efficient way for miners, minimizing their deductions and maximizing employment opportunities.

Warm der Antminer S21 die erste Wahl ist

The combination also dies Hohir Hashrat, benutzerfreundlicher bedienung and IVIZENS macht den Antminer S21 is a favorite of many miners – von Einsteigern is a professional mining farmer. Thank you for more experience and expertise that a miner only gains in large mining operations, they also learn for their Einsatz in their own Umfeld.


Antminer S21 represents one of the most important elements in the Bitcoin mining development process. dead 200 s/sec Providing more non-integrated enrichment is one of the most effective and valuable options on the market. Anyway, the best for Bitcoin mining or any state-of-the-art mining bot available is the Antminer S21 and it is a great tool.

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