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Ripple is merge from Dia for Oracle Services on Ledger XRP

Ripple Labs has the Blockchain infrastructure with a new data platform to provide Oracle services to drink its decentralized and blasphemy XRP (XRPL).

According to a joint press statement with Cryptopotato, this LUMINA service provider is based on the open source financial data platform DIA (decentralized information assets).

DIA’s Oracle Services has unveiled

Dia Lumina is scheduled to walk on March 26. Oracles will provide verified and reliable and reliable financing (Defi), real assets (RWAS), and Web3 applications in the ecosystem for encryption. DIA claims that the platform will redefine the Oracle Security standard, transparency and efficiency.

The financial data platform says that Lumina will finish “black data processing”, which has caused DEFI and Blockchain networks on non -dark, central data extracts that are based on confidence and unlimited for years. According to Dia, Lumina puts an end to an era in which encryption networks are forced to rely on Oracles that work behind closed doors.

Lumina offers a fully transparent and transparent structure that makes sure to check each step of the data trip. Developers, networks and institutions will be able to review the Oracle operations directly in the open Lumina and ear environment. This is why Ripple and Peer-To Open (P2P) chose the DIA to provide Oracle services for Blockchains.

Transparency and confidence

Unlike other famous Oracles such as ChainLink and Pyth, Lumina has a completely transparent design that meets institutional and organizational standards. Ripple believes that access to unreliable data is not negotiable and cannot negotiate the growth of the RWAS sector, and Lumina enables it.

“For years, Oracles had no necessary evil by many – Blockchain Builders did not have any option but to trust. This is now.

Meanwhile, Lumina’s essential technology is Lasernet, which is a unit -designed roll of unreliable and verified orchards. Dia says that this network benefits from optimistic separation technology in Arbitrum and ETHEREUM Security to ensure Oracle transactions publicly and consistently, eliminating dependence on the contract outside the Sig.

Hanson added: “By placing every treatment, feeding prices, and calculating the chain, we are not only competing with the current Oracles-we make it outdated,” Hanson added.

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