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Does the founder of the Silk Silk Road participate in American politics?

After he was in prison for more than 11 years for his participation in the Darknet Marketplace Silk Road, it seems that Ross Ulbricht has not lost time to appear.

On March 4 x, Kentucky Thomas Massi representative He said Olbrecht called for a joint session of the American Congress, as President Donald Trump has given a speech on his administration policies. The event is one of the first times that the founder of Silk Road appeared in public places since he was released from prison in January after he obtained a presidential pardon from Trump.

Silk Road, Ross Olbricht, Politics, Donald Trump

The founder of the Silk Road in the Capitol in the United States. source: Ross Olbricht

After leaving the prison, Ulbricht regularly posted on social media, and thanked Trump and calls for the compassion for “Bitcoin Jesus”, Roger Fair, who faces tax evasion charge. Some speculated that the president could consider the Olbrecht invitation to the Summit of March 7 at the White House. However, at the time of publication, it does not seem to have been added to any official guest list. Cointelegraph has arrived at Ulbricht for comment but he did not receive a response at the time of publication.

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Olbricht, who founded the Silk Road market on the dark network in 2011, had been in detention since his arrest in 2013 to allow users to buy and sell illegal drugs as well as providing illegal goods and services. He was sentenced to life imprisonment without the possibility of conditional release in 2015, prompting some of his supporters to submit a seam to obtain a presidential amnesty – it is likely to be one of the only ways that Olbricht could have been shot.

Is the other presidential pardon near?

Trump did not help or transmit Olbricht’s penalty while he was in office from 2017 to 2021. I promised To transfer the penalty of the Silk Road founder to satisfy the liberation voters in the 2024–despite Trump’s victory, he was expected to be a very close race with the Vice President of Democrat Kamala Harris at the time.

President Trump has the authority to pardon or transfer the punishment of anyone who faces federal accusations. It seemed that the former FTX Sam Bankman-Ried CEO was sentenced to 25 years in prison in 2024 because of his role in misusing customer money, he was pressing Trump for amnesty. His lawyers submitted a request to resume his conviction and prison sentence.

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