Design a unified data model for the series
Links table
Abstract and 1 introduction
2 background and relevant work and 2.1 from Bitcoin to Blockchains
2.2 Blockchains open and permission
2.3 Blocchains between Blockchains
3 series of inquiries across the series and 3.1 Integrated data form
3.2 Engineering processing and inquiries
4 Evaluation of the feasibility of implementation and 4.1 programs and devices
4.2 Treatment of the query
4.3 Discussion
5 Conclusion and expectations, approval, and references
3 language inquiries through the series
The following two sub -sections will be detailed (A.) Data model and (B.) grammatical rules with the construction of a tangible sentence and a similar processing structure. Inquiry phrases are processed according to the architecture specified in the sub -section (B.), which leads to the return of counterparts from the data model categories using the data obtained from the applications of the application programming for the local Blockchain contract.
3.1 Integrated data form
Language design is implemented on a data form that merges the main data structures and OPB features discussed in section 2.2. Based on the previous work and the current tools that were taken in section 2.2, the five OPB categories and features were identified, circulated and integrated into a unified data model. Figure 1 displays the comprehensive data form as the UML class. Table2 enumerates the main models categories, ranked into four packages to represent the concepts of the series, the mass, the account and the transactions of OPB. The concrete sentence is offered to formulate information in the 3.2 sub -section. The phrases are clarified in terms of categories and features, and the source data is identified using class names and features of the data form.
OPB concepts are displayed in the table and the data form, covered by the packages and the following categories. Series package categories embody one major network and Blockchain for Bitcoin, ETHEREUM, Cardano, and Solana, as represented by a series of categories, network and data model message. Additional test networks with her distinguished daughters, such as
ROPSTEN and Görli are represented in Ethereum, by network categories and chainscriptor. In Avalanche, the network category includes one basic network, the first of the “sub -networks” that is likely to be many, with separate trims of the recipes for three P/x/C titles.
Blocs and Blockdescriptor are blocks, with separate categories of the mass state, and validation to verify health through the consensus protocol, and Evalatordescriptor for the concerned fighters. Concilious, the blocks are determined in all Blockchains through the retail value, completed with descriptive data such as timelines and the value of height that indicate the mass number, with no changes to the inaccurate blocks. For example, in Bitcoin and other Blockchains after the original “block series” concept by Nakamoto [22]The mass is linked to its predecessor to the retail value, which is used to verify health. This is a block object with (A) reference to the Blockdescriptor object, for example it contains identification data such as temporal, (b) reference to the previous ban on Linkedblockdescriptor, and (C) reference to Validationcriptor object that contains retail value. Regarding the incomplete blocks in Bitcoin, multiple blocks may be discovered as wallpapers in a specific block; However, only one block is included in the chain, while others are rejected by an “orphan”. On the other hand, Ethereum deals with similar cases by maintaining one block in the main chain while keeping other blocks at the same level with the “ommer” condition. The blocks are not explicitly completed in the proof of work, allowing the case of “Orphan” or “Ommer” to blocks in parallel with the previous blocks of the series. However, the possibility of the current blocks that are replaced in this way diminishes over time, as there is a consecutive parallel blocks with greater cumulative work. The finish of the explicit mass, which prevents multiple caliphs, can be completed in more proof groups such as Solana.
Regarding the data structure, the blocks are connected to one or more of the blocks that exist through the Linkedblockdescriptor feature of the block category. This connection can create a series of associated blocks as mentioned in Bitcoin or the structure of the graph, such as the DAG chart in the Avalanche C. Guardian. Blockchains Dag is referred to through the Dagsupport feature in the Blockdescriptor category, which is appointed “right” accordingly.
The representation of the blocks is more dependent on the type of consensus. In order to unify the representation of work proof and proof of creativity, the health verification category contains general features of storing retail value, and the condition of validation such as the target teacher in Bitcoin and inputs, for example Bitcoin, as well as the features of verification of proof of proof. Here, the blocks are proposed, created and verified through the certificate that involves one or more auditors. For example, a block is suggested in Ethereum and created by an auditor representative as health verification, and is later verified by the witness. Certificates are followed by multiple committees of auditors who are represented by the Constestationcommitte feature in Developscriptor, for example with multiple addresses and sounds. Regarding the creation of the blocks, they either contain direct transactions or are assembled in holes and a time -based age for the verification of the validity of the proof. Upon attaining a mass, each mass or opening opening is subject to health, which requires the auditors’ participation. According to the health verification category, the Bitcoin or ETHEREUM bloc facility verifies the health of a mass associated with the hashvalue character. On the contrary, for Blockchains other proof of proof, the prohibition proposals are recorded in the corresponding features with certificates, which indicate the Valiatorscriptor category. Each counterpart refers to any number of the appointed appointed who are watching the blocs through the committee mentioned before voting and signatures. Thus, for Ethereum and other proof groups, multiple groups concepts are represented by auditors.
The accounts, a prevailing concept in Ethereum, Solana and Avalanche, are included in blocks to store assets, symbols or data used in smart contracts. For general representation of the accounts, the data form is every account object with an account object on an account that contains the address and a sign of whether the account represents a smart contract or an external owned account of the individual. Regarding account data such as assets or symbols, it is important to note that data may represent assets or symbols already distinctive, as shown in Cardano or Solana, or indirectly through the data stored within the account. Each account is defined by an identifier, with the concept of the common title in all Blockchains. The storage of assets account or symbols can indicate any custom assets or a symbol represented by data in general. For symbols, distinctive symbol standards such as Ethereum’s ERC-20 or ERC-1155 are represented by the distinctive symbol category. Data storage uses large bilateral objects or main value stores, which are used in retail maps data structures.
The concepts of transactions in Bitcoin and Cardano are characterized by a lack of arithmetic structures in these Blockchains. Consequently, transactions carry signals to the outputs of uninterrupted transactions (UTXOS) from previous transactions. In this model, UTXO is included along with the transferred value and the text program that determines the conditions or carries data. While the inclusion of data is implicit in Bitcoin, Cardano explicitly accommodates data in transactions and storage related to the title of smart contract functions.
On the other hand, in the case of Ethereum, Solana and the Avalanche C series, transactions are stored to transfer values, data, assets or symbols between accounts. In the Avalanche X series, the transfer of original assets is facilitated by the UTXO model. In the data form, the features of transactions and transactions transmitted the transactions between addresses through the use of the features corresponding to the above -mentioned concepts.
(1) Felix Herner[0000 −0002 −2768 −2342]Digital and Information Systems Group, University of Friborg, Switzerland ([email protected]).