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David Schwartz of Ripple – Cryptomode says:

Ripple’s XRP LEDGER (XRPL) (XRPL) (XRPL) has been copied and operated after a temporary interruption of approximately an hour, He said The company’s chief technology official, David Schwartz on January 5 on the X.

“The network is recovering now. We don’t know exactly the cause of the case yet.”

Schwartz was “the high preliminary note” that XRPL verification operations were not published while the consensus was still working.

XRPL endorses stopped publishing

XRPL’s covenants usually reach an agreement (consensus) on the state of the professor’s book and then publish verification operations to confirm this agreement.

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In this case, it seems that the consensus was continuing, which means that the auditors were still trying to agree on the transactions that will be applied to the professor’s book. However, they did not spread these verification operations. This is very important because health verification operations are evidence that the auditors have agreed to the professor’s book version as correct and final.

Schwartz said that the operators “intervened manually to choose a rational starting point”, which means that they choose a point in the history of the professor’s book manually after the last professor’s book, which was identified as being fully validated by any part of the network.

“This can be done without coordination, but it is always better to get second and third opinions.”

Schwartz explained that with the start of the publications of this manually selected point, the other servers in the network began seeing the verification of this verification.

Continuous investigation, Safu funds

With health verification operations from multiple reliable sources, the servers were able to rebuild enough consensus. This consensus is necessary for the network to operate harmoniously, as it ensures that all nodes agree on the current and correct state of the payment.

He added that this “everything is first and may turn into a mistake.”

Ripple developer account Posted on X, Saying that the money was always safe and the case will be investigated.

The price of XRP decreased, however, in line with the broader encryption market. The currency is still the third largest ceiling on the market, but it decreased at the price slightly less than $ 2.50 at the time of writing this report.

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The encryption market suffered more fluctuations in fears of the spread of the trade war between the United States and China, as the Asian state pledged revenge on Trump’s threats.

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